Flight and Captured

450 16 3

2/19th SWG Barracks
2/19th Special Weapons Group Area
Secure Area, Alfenwehr
West Germany
28 October, 1987

The fifth floor hallway was dark as I slammed through the doors, ice shattering from the double doors as I threw myself through them. I knew, from doing PT at Atlas, that I was able to run faster than Stillwater over short distances. He'd crush me in any long distance run though, the man ran marathons and seemed to have an endless supply of endurance. That was without even taking into account that he had one foot in the grave and who knows how Alfenwehr had "enhanced" him.

Heavy thudding bootsteps followed me as I sprinted down the hallway. I could tell he was losing ground on me, but I had no idea of where I could go. There was no chance I could lose him, and if I tried doubling back to the room full of pregnant women all that would happen is he'd follow me to them and have himself a good old breeding festival after killing the other two men.

Part of me wondered, as I ran beneath the gutted emergency light, how much of it had to do with Aine's influence. She was a forest fey, well, had that running through her blood, and forest fey were obsessed with blood lines and good strong breeding pools. At least Aine was.

The light kicked on and filled the hallway with dim red light that glittered on the ice covered walls, throwing my shadow ahead of me.

My bra was cutting painfully into the top of my breasts, but I couldn't take the time to adjust it. Better to spend my energy running.

In a way, I knew I was just making it worse. Stillwater and Aine both had talked about a ritual their families followed in the fall. Get all the young bucks together, have them drink a mixture of blood and herbs, let them chase willing women through the harvested fields and into the woods that surrounded their farms. Aine called it a blood hunt, Stillwater hadn't ever taken part in it, his Father, the Sergeant Major, refusing to send his boys to it.

Still, hunting was in that boy's blood, and me running probably just made things worse. Instincts, tradition, and that damned lizard would all be inflamed by the chase, his libido increasing with every thudding boot fall.


Hunting me would get his blood pumping. Burning oxygen. It would hit the primal areas of his brain.

The ice over the middle doors held for a second, then shattered around me like broken glass when I threw myself against the door. I managed to keep my footing, avoid stepping on any chunks of ice, and keep right on running for the far end of the hallway.

It would force the lizard to run repairs even harder. Push the blood through his body. Hit him where he lived. Push the male part of him to the surface.

The mid-way emergency light kicked on, bathing the hallway in blood.

Burn away Alfenwehr's taint from his blood, mind, and body. Aine's influence would push back that darkness, that foul taint that the mountain left on everything. Lust and breeding was a primal instinct, right up there with eat.

All I had to do was keep out of Stillwater's reach until...

One of the hallway doors in front of me flew out of the doorway, exploding from where it had been closed. It slammed into the opposite doorway, which caved in under the force, both doors tumbling into the room beyond.

Stillwater stepped out of the room, that red eye glowing.

"Oh, come on!" I shouted, sliding to a stop. He kicked the bottom of the door further into the room opposite of the one he had come out of.

Before he managed to clear that area, before I had even come to a complete stop, I was running in the opposite direction, my boots sliding on the frost on the floor, the lack of traction making it so that I was still heading toward him.

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