What Does It Want?

423 16 4

...terminate with extreme prejudice...

The axe swung down before they even knew I was there, hitting the guy in the chest with a sound that brought back horrible memories that I shoved aside the same way I kicked the screaming guy off the axe and waded into them.

"BLOOD FOR LUGUS!" I bellowed out, swinging the axe in my hands. "BLOOD FOR CERNUNNO!" My voice was thunder in the airlock.

They had no chance. Trapped in the airlock with a homicidal maniac with an axe. I used it ruthlessly, putting one hand up by the head, the other toward the butt, using it in close quarters like I was doing bayonet drills.

Teeth and blood flew when I smashed the head of the axe into the point of a guy's chin and it deformed under the power of the blow. The butt of the axe caved in another's skull. Three more went down in as many swings, all of them screaming.

"FINISH THE FIGHT!" The axe bound up on one guy's ribcage and when I kicked him the axe flew out of my hands and he slammed into the glass.

I stood up to my full my height, staring down at them.

One started screaming, staring up at me, and I reached out with one hand and covered his screaming face, staring at the last survivor. When I clenched my fist, his face came away in my hand, bone splintering and shattering in my grip.

The last one kept screaming as I unfolded the guy's face, slowly, and held it up for him to see the empty inside of it.

I grinned as I gently draped it over his screaming face. His wide green eyes staring at me out of the holes, his mouth screaming behind the empty mouth.

He held up one shaking hand and I grabbed him up by the front of his uniform, lifting him off his feet so I could stare into his green eyes.

"I see you, pumpkin," I growled into his face, and felt the warmth of blood run down my chin.

He was still screaming as I stepped up to the door, using my left hand to sweep away the dead man with the axe most of the way through him. I opened the airlock door and stepped out into the dimness of ambulance area.

I set him down gently, then bent forward till my nose touched his  flesh-mask covered nose.

"Run." I growled.

He ran.


I turned back and pulled the door open, moving back into the airlock. My boots made splishing sounds in the puddles of steaming blood as I slowly moved through the dim Dispensary hallway and back to where the nine females soldiers were.

They went pale, staring up at me.

"Are... are you all right?" One asked me. She had brown hair and brown eyes, with a smattering of freckles across her face. I could smell her, her sweat, her grime, her cunt. I could see the pulse fluttering at the side of her neck, see her lick her cracked and dry lips nervously.

"Yes," I growled.

One raised a shaking hand to her mouth, covering it, as she stared at me. I looked back.

Blue eyes. Blond hair hidden under grease and blood. Pale, alabaster skin. Lips swollen and split. Bruising on her neck. I could smell her too, smell how how her cunt had been hammered, plowed, readied.

I shook my head and stumbled back slightly, my left knee going out from under me so I ended up on one knee, my head bowed. Their smell receded. I couldn't tell any longer that two of them were almost ready, almost ripe, almost ready to be swollen.

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