All The Things Lost

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I am so sorry for taking forever to update! This fic has like two chapters left so if you think something went unsolved, needs more detail, or you want to see something happen please let me know. I will do my best to try and fit it in! Unedited but enjoy! :)


The scream made a flock of birds fly out of the trees and into the sky to escape the wrath of the tiny omega. Harry wasn't so lucky when said omega walked out of their tent and marched towards him, the others staring until they caught the new scent. Their Louis was expecting!

"Tell me I'm not like this." Louis yelled again, pushing Harry and making him stumble a step back when he was caught by surprise.

"Calm down." Harry told him, letting a hint of his alpha voice escape until he realized what was going on.

Louis was crying. His omega was crying and hugging himself, acting as if the world was ending and it broke Harry's heart to know why. He could sense the fear coming off of Louis, could sense the desperation at a future that was uncertain to them. Louis had always been right, Harry thought. What the hell were they going to do with a baby, how the hell was Louis going to help out if he was pregnant and the pregnancy itself was already detectable.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Louis screamed again, pushing Harry one more time.

"We really can't do anything about it now." Harry tried to stay calm, moving to hug Louis. He was glad Louis let him, but his blood boil at what Louis had the nerve to say next.

"I'm not having it. Find someone to get it out of me." Louis said against his ear, his voice void of any kind of emotion.

Harry let go of him as if he had burned him, then took a step back unable to believe it. He looked Louis up and down, seeing nothing but a scared twenty year old. His eyes then settled on his middle, knowing there was a new life growing inside him. It was a new life that they had made with love, it was their child and he already loved it with all his heart.

"No." Harry lowly answered, seeing the way Louis' expression hardened.

"It's my body, and I'm not having it." Louis glared.

"It's my child, our child. I'm not going to let you kill it." Harry argued, fighting for his child's life.

"You can't make me!" Louis started crying, ignoring their audience quickly walking away to let them have privacy, "I don't want it."

"I do." Harry said, "It's my baby too and I want it."

"Why!?" Louis screamed, "Why do you want to bring a child into the world to suffer? Can't you see they're only going to be miserable with us."

"They're not going to suffer, they're not going to be miserable with us." Harry said, almost begging, "We'll love them no matter what, we'll give them everything they need."

"And we'll also have them moving from place to place, always in danger. Where we'll always be afraid of something happening to them. No, I'm not having it. I won't lose another child, Harry." Louis started crying again, making Harry realize what was really going on.

His expression softened, he wanted to hug Louis but kept his distance knowing his omega needed space. He watched the way Louis wrapped his arms around himself, and just like that, he turned around and made his way back to their tent. Back to the small space that still had their scents, Harry's scent that helped Louis calm down. He closed his eyes and kept them closed even when Harry walked back in and laid next to him, even when his alpha held him in his arms.

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