Just bringing my demons out

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I am so sorry it took me forever to post this! I've been really busy with work and other things but here it is. Hopefully you'll like it and please don't forget to comment and vote. Enjoy! :)

It was tea time in the Tomlinson's manor where Zayn was trying not to rip Henry's eyes off after he had found out what the bastard had done. He wanted to cut his hands off then shove them down the alpha's throat then cut his dick off and shove it up his ass. He avoided Louis' gaze on him just wanting to be with his alpha and tend to him and his injuries never blaming the German Shepherd but his owner. The future king of England and his best friend's fiance. He served him tea pushing away the urge to spill the hot liquid all over his lap, maybe all over his head too and ruin his stupid ugly face.

"Zayn you can go, tell Ruby I need her here." Louis spoke up knowing what he was going through, trying not to strangle Henry himself for what he had done.

If something like that happened to his Harry, he was sure he would die.

Zayn quickly nodded and left without so much of a glance never seeing Louis spilling his hot tea all over Henry's arm acting as if it had been an accident. He had teared up on purpose saying how clumsy he was getting up to clean it getting stopped by Henry who gave him a fake smile. Louis didn't give a shit whether it was real or not.

When Zayn made it to the servant's quarters he did as Louis had ordered then went straight to his and Liam's bedroom seeing his husband and alpha on their small bed writhing in pain. He knelt down next to him and ran his fingers through his hair wet with sweat pressing small kisses on his forehead feeling he was a bit warm. His eyes filled with tears seeing his whole left arm bandaged as well as his left leg terrified of what the doctor had said. Scared of infection setting in and Liam losing his limbs, but more scared of losing the love of his life.

It all had started that morning when Liam had gotten up at the crack of dawn ready to take his shift as the guard replacing Niall who had been guarding all night long. He hadn't been there for an hour when Henry had showed up as usual demanding to be let in to see Louis who had been asleep at the time. Liam had refused seeing the prince was not completely sober and it was his duty to protect his governor's son never expecting what happened next.

Henry setting his German shepherd against him commanding him to attack him, Liam barely made it out in one piece before the dog was shot dead. No one had said anything about it when it had been Damon himself to shoot him having witnessed everything yet never changed his mind about marrying his son off to Henry. He had sent Harry off to get the best doctor in town feeling responsible for what had happened even if the only one to blame was Henry.

"Alpha?" Zayn mumbled, his voice cracking at the end, "Liam..." He started crying wondering if his alpha could smell the change in his scent when it had happened earlier that day. The new scent that he and the little one he was carrying were giving off.

"The doctor gave him a sedative a while ago, sweetheart. He was in too much pain." Trisha said from where she was standing by the door trying not to cry at the scene.

"If he dies...mum I can't lose him, not now. He needs to meet our pup." Zayn broke down crying letting his mum hug him.

"Mr. Tomlinson called the best doctor, I'm sure Liam will make it out of this one." Trisha dried his tears.

"It's the least he can do after what that bastard did to my Liam." Zayn glared at nothing in particular, "How can he still want to marry Louis off to that man, he's going to sentence him to a miserable life."

"Shh!" His mother shut him down, "We must not talk about that, it is none of our business."

"It might not be but Louis is still my friend and I worry about him." Zayn said seeing his mother closing her eyes then sighing before she opened them again.

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