Chapter Sixteen: Rescue Mission

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  Arthur dealt a blow to the man in front of him, sending him down the stairs in death. He bounded farther up, his sword at the ready.

Bursting into the next room, he saw theman who had caused all this – King Rience. He slowed, bringing his sword up and stepping forward.

  "King Arthur," Rience said mockingly, bowing slightly. "How kind of you to visit me."

  "Enough games," Arthur said. "Where is King Leodegrance?"

   "The king and his daughter are safe for now, do not fair. Though perhaps you will join them soon – if I let you live."

  "It is you who will die here today," Arthur said, readying his sword for battle.

   "Oh, I don't think so, boy," Rience said, spinning his sword casually in his hand. "I haven't been killed yet." And he lunged, forcing Arthur to throw up his sword to protect himself.

   The exchanged blow after blow, blocking and stabbing crossing sword. Arthur knew that he had to win quickly – Rience was far stronger than he was and much more experienced.

  He darted around a blow and stabbed low, as quickly as he could. Rience was too slow, his reflexed dulled by age. He let out a cry, spinning and facing Arthur, anger in his eyes.

   Arthur didn't let the opportunity pass, he moved forward while he had a chance, putting the older man on defensive.

  Finally, Rience made a mistake. He lunged forward; too eager to wound Arthur he didn't cover himself.

  He sword cutting into the young king's side, he smirked, but Arthur didn't stop because of the wound. He brought his sword down, straight into Rience's head.

   The smirk died on his face as he slumped forward, dead at once.

   Arthur staggered back, clutching his wounded hand to his chest. He gritted his teeth against the pain.

   "Well fought," King Bors said, moving to his side. "Well fought indeed."

   "Thank you," Arthur said, taking a breath. "Is the palace ours?"

   "It is indeed," Bors said, smiling. "And King Leodegrance and his daughter – Guinevere – wish to thank you."

   Arthur nodded, ripping off a piece of his tunic under his chain mail and trying it to the wound on his arm.

   "I shall see him," he said, sliding his sword away after cleaning it on Rience's clothes. Bors nodded, gesturing for him to go first.

Lance was waiting for them when they returned. He greeted them with a grin as they left the car.

   "Did you do it?" he asked eagerly. Maria nodded, drawing in a breath.

  "Yeah, Seb agreed to do it," she said. "We'll leave tomorrow."

   "Where exactly are you leaving too?" a voice asked from the other side of the car. Spinning around, Maria caught sight of Shaw, leaning against a large truck beside the car. He pushed himself off, and moved closer to Maria and her friends.

   "Mattimaio has forbidden you to leave here," he said carefully. "I was there, I heard him. But now you're leaving? I don't think that's what he wanted." He smirked, running a careless hand through his brown hair.

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