Chapter Fifteen: Family Reunion

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Arthur nervously paced back and forth in the small room, licking his dry lips. Merlin smiled encouragingly at him and gestured to the chair before the desk.

"Sit boy. You're wearing me out with all your pacing," he scolded lightly. Arthur sighed, doing as the wizard said and perching in the seat. He only stayed for about five seconds before he was up and pacing again.

"What if she doesn't like me, Merlin?" he asked suddenly. "I've never had a mother before."

"Arthur, relax," Merlin said. "I've never seen you so worried for a long time."

"This isn't another battle I can swing my sword around in," Arthur muttered. "I almost wish it were though."

Merlin chuckled, then turned his attention to the door.

"Ah, I think that is her," he said as the door was pushed open. Arthur stopped pacing, and froze like a frightened rabbit in the centre of the room.

A woman stepped into the room, an older woman, perhaps in her late sixties. But despite her year, she was still very beautiful, and a smile graced her lips. The two knights flanking her scowled and Merlin and muttered something under their breaths before retreating out of the room.

The wizard smiled, pushing himself off the wall he was leaning on.

"Igraine," he greeted. The woman nodded, bowing her head slightly.

"Merlin," she said simply. Then she turned to Arthur. The young man swallowed guiltily, suddenly unsure that she would approve of him.

"Arthur?" she asked, almost hesitantly. He nodded, stepping forward slightly.

"You are my mother," it was a statement rather than a question, and she nodded, her hands flying to her mouth.

"I can see Uther in you," she said quietly. "You are very much like your father. Oh my boy! How I have missed you."

She rushed forward, wrapping her arms around her son and letting out a sob. Arthur froze, unsure of what to do at this display of affection, but he soon relaxed into the hug, savouring the feeling of his mother's arms around him.

Maria sank farther into her seat the nearer they got. Katrina glanced over at her from the driver's seat and shook her head.

"Anyone would think you don't like this fellow," she commented. Maria sighed, sitting higher and looking out the front window. She could already recognize buildings.

"It's not him I don't like. It's his mother," she said. 'My mother.'

"Oh, right. Scary, crazy Mom chasing you away," Katrina said, flicking the indicator and moving down the road. The old hotel building came into view, and Maria sank back into her seat.

"Something like that," she muttered.

The lobby was exactly as she remembered it – boring and undecorated. Katrina screwed up her nose and they entered.

"Nice place," she commented sarcastically. Maria glanced sideways at her.

"He probably doesn't live here anymore," she said. "We should just leave."

Katrina shook her head, dragging Maria to the desk. A older woman sat behind it, looking extremely bored with the world. Maria was relived that she didn't recognize her.

"Ah, hey," she said, smiling. "I'm looking for a Wright, Sebastian Wright," she said.

The woman looked up and frowned, before looking at the computer beside her.

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