Chapter Four: The Quest Begins

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The wedding feast was spectacular. The Round Table was mostly; full only a few seats empty. Arthur surveyed his friends and companions, and a glow of happiness filled him. He was now wed to his love, Gueinevre – despite Merlin's warnings about her – and he had received the Table as a wedding gift from her father.

He sat, and the Knights around the table sat. There were seats empty – he could only fine twenty-eight others worthy, besides the one hundred that came with the table – and Merlin had warned him about one of the seats.

"It is the seat Perilous. Any who sit in it but for one shall die. And once the seat is filled it heralds dark days for you and for England," the wizard had said as he enchanted each seat.

But now Arthur didn't care about the Seat Perilous It was empty, and it would be for some time, and he had a wedding feast to enjoy.

His new wife sat beside him, and around him sat the new knights. King Pellinore, Sir Tor, Sir Gwaine, Sir Bors and many others now had seats around the Round Table.

But as they began to eat, a white deer bounded into the hall, perused by fifty black hounds, and a single white one. While they sat, shocked at the development, a Knight rode in, picked up the white dog, and rode out again.

Before anyone could react, a lady rode in, one a white horse, crying for the white hound.

"My hound! He has taken my hound!"

As she cried out, another Knight entered the court and pulled her over his saddle. She let out a cry, but he paid no heed, riding out with her horse following his.

Silence covered the court; no one knew quite what to do. Seeing this, Merlin moved to Arthur's side.

"These are quests that must be undertaken," he said. "Send your knights to follow them as they will."

Arthur nodded, and stood.

"Who will follow the white hart?" he asked. Newly Knighted Gwaine stood almost at once.

"I will take the quest, sire," he said. "And my young brother shall be my squire."

Arthur nodded, then addressed the next problem.

"And who shall take the quest of the white hound?"

Sir Tor stood, after a moments pause.

"I shall find the hound, and I shall bring it back to you, sire," he said. Again, Arthur nodded. There was one last problem to be addressed now.

"And who shall follow the Knight and rescue the maiden?"

It seemed King Pellinore was waited for his king to ask this, and he stood at once.

"I shall rescue her," he said.

Arthur spread his arms wide, smiling.

"Very well then, it seems the first quest of the Round Table is begun!"

The sound of guitar music came from inside the small house as Maria neared it. She smiled slightly, knowing Callum was playing something. Unlocking the door with her key, she stepped inside.

The house she lived in was small, it only had two bedrooms – she and Katrina shared. The door opening into the living room, a small, homely room, a gas fire opposite the door. It was a relief stepping into the warm room after the cold February weather.

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