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I was rehearsing all the rules of being a neko in my head.

Do not eat, sleep, or drink without permission.

Stay in your cage when you aren't needed.

Do not-

Someone walked in. It was the prince. I went to the back of my cage in order to get away. He hadn't ever hurt me, but his dad had. Surely a son will be like his dad, right?
But the prince, now frowning, started opening all the cages.

"Go ahead and leave. You're free." He'd whisper to each of us as he opened our cage.
Most of the nekos sprinted out of the castle but when the prince came to my cage I remembered a neko rule:

Never leave the castle unless told to do so by the king, and the king only.

So Prince William opened the door to my cage and whispered for me to leave, but I didn't.

Prince William was royalty, sure, but the rule says only the king can let me out. William is a prince, not a king.

"C'mon. You can go now. You're free." Will said quietly. I pressed myself up against the back of the cage.

"If you don't want to, I guess I won't make you...."

Will moved on to the next cage.

The neko in that cage was mad. It was hissing quietly, but the prince must not have heard. The cat had its ears back and was obviously angry at Prince William for being royalty. So when Will opened the door and the cat sauntered out, it turned back to Will, ears back.

"Woah, woah, woah...." the prince said.

The cat pounced, sinking its teeth into his leg.

A rule popped into my mind. This rule was specially important to me but I'll spare you the details for now. Let's just say I have a special spot in my heart for this rule:

Never attack royalty.

I sprinted out of my cage and attacked the cat. He immediatly turned to me, away from Will.

Run Prince William!

But the prince didn't run.

Must not be the brightest of the princes.

The cat lunged at me, but I darted out of the way, pouncing on it as it went by. I had scratched the cat's stomach. It hissed at me. It scratched my nose and I felt it start bleeding, but I kept fighting. Soon the neko realized it wasn't going to win, and it darted out of the room.

Will picked me up. My ears were back, as I was still on edge from the fight.

"Can you come with me? I' running away from here and I was wanting a neko to go with me."

I cocked my head to the side. Why would a prince, royalty, want to hang out with a neko?

I mean, of course I would love to leave the castle but....

Only the king can set you free.

And surely he just wants me as a servant.

William finished unlocking the ramaining cages and then carried me out. He was running at top speed.

He ran into a forest and about an hour later he stopped.

"How about we stop and put up camp here?"

I meowed and I guess Prince William figured I had said 'yes.'

He set me down on the grass and asked what my name was.

Solangelo neko/royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now