Chapter 7

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¬Katie's Pov¬

"Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend" it says I didnt know what to say I was shocked then he began to say.

" Well ya know if yo-" "yes" I say in a rush. ''what''? "I said yes I will be your girlfriend". I say. A huge smile plays on both of our faces.

Then out of nowhere thunder and a crack of lighting sounded outside. " well I guess we should get going" Austin says with a smile still on his face. " yeah" I agree. When we get outside and its absolutely pooring and to make that even better Austin forgot where he parked the car.

After looking around for what seemed like forever I spotted the red Range Rover and pulled Austin to it.

Stopping him right out side the driverside door I pushed him up against the car and press my lips to his. Its was like fireworks all over again and when I pulled away he asked me ' what was that for' he said with a grin on his perfect face ' for being the best boyfriend ever... and I kinda wanted to kiss you again' I could already feel myself blushing thank goodness its dark and he cant see.

¬ Austin's Pov¬

She said yes I cant believe she said yes I was so happy the moment she said she would be my girlfriend I wanted to just pick her up and spin her around.

When we heard the thunder and lighting out side I suggested we get going when we got outside I told her I forgot where I parked the car just because I have always thought about what it would be like to kiss her in the rain and I dont regret one bit of it.

As soon as we got to the car she pressed me up against the car door and kissed me a slow and passionate kiss.

After she pulled away I asked her ' what was that for' and she simply replied ' for being the besy boyfriend ever' and thats when I knew for a fact I have right girl.

¬ Katie's Pov¬

As we pulled into Austins driveway I ran stright up to our room with his hand in mine.

Wile walking by my mom gave me an odd look and all I did was smile. Right when we got to Austin and I's room I got a text from my mom asking if it had happened ,I simply sent her a smiley face and thats when she knew what had happened.

I looked up at Austin who looked away as soon as I looked at him meaning he was reading my messages. "Austin were you reading my messages?" " pshhht no I wasnt.... okay maybe I was please dont be mad."

" Austin why would I be mad its not like I have anything to hide" I say looking at his worried face. " I-I don't know its just every other gi- Austin I'm not every other girl I dont have anything to hide" I say looking into his beautiful hazely green eyes. Then we both started leaning in until his lips gently brush over mine a passionate kiss. Then out of no where the door opened and there was Luke standing in the doorway with cheeks tear stained.

Austin's Pov

Just as we were about to kiss the door flys open revealing a man who was obviously drunk saying he was looking for Katie.

" What do you want with her" I say between my teeth.

Then Katie cuts in, " Luke?" she questions. "Wait Katie you know him?" I say looking at her?" "ummm yeah Austin before I tell you, you have to promise you wont freek out okay?" she says calmly.

"But Katie when some drunk guy barges in my bedroom looking for yo-" she cuts me off before I can finish. "Austin promise me NOW! She says more harsh.

" Fine Katie I promise" I say rolling my eyes.

"Aus- Austin its my ex Luke." She says flinching.

"WHAT! I yell.

" But Austin you said you wouldnt freek out' She says almost in tears.

" Baby I'm not I'm just wondering why he is HERE drunk at that" I say trying to control my anger.



' I-I dont really know' I say looking at Luke standing in the doorway.

"Kaite I need to talk to you" he says calmly.

Austin looks at me with a worried expression on his face and all I do is simply nod.

"But Katie" Austin interjects.

"Austin I'll be fine I promise"

'okay' is all he says.


I walk Luke downstairs to the kitchen. Thank the lord Michelle and my mom went out with some friends or this would be really awkward.

"What do you want Luke?" Trying to sound as annoyed as possible.

"I want you back Katie I miss us I miss the thing 'we' used to be, yeah I know I messed up by kissing Maddison but, I can fix that if you would just give me one more chance" he says but I can tell there is something behind his voice I just cant put my finger on it.

"Luke, that can't happen I have Austin now. You broke my heart and I have moved on, for god sakes you have a child on the way and you are engaged. But I'm sorry, Austin makes me happy and if that upsets you im sorry but thats just how it has to be, you put this on yourself Luke, you're the only one to blame here" I say and that clearly makes him mad because the next thing I know im being pushed up against the fridge with a knife held to my throat.

A/N hahaha PLOT TWIST.

Hope you guys like it xx Amory

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