"What happened on the night of the slaughter?" I asked with no emotion in my voice.

"Don't you read the news?" He said in a calm and yet a cocky tone.

"I do but i want to hear it from your point of view."

He looked away and i was getting quiet frustrated.

"Look if we can get a hint of guilt from you then the judge will have mercy " he looked at his lap and smiled.

I huffed and switched off the recording machine. I needed to try a different approach.

"Please Robbie, This is for your own good." His head snapped up. "Is it off?"

So he maybe didn't like the idea of the recording machine...


Ge nodded softly and than started,

"31st December 2014 a few hours before new years. My friends and i went to a party and they were drunk. I was just tipsy and my friend admitted to me in his drunken state that he was having a relationship with my girlfriend.

I was furious but because I loved him as my brother I did not touch him. I just started walking home and that is when the voices came back."

There once again he mentions about the voices. This time its not in the paper but to my face.

"They were there... they are always there... they told me too" he started laughing.

"So I slit their throats-" he started to stand up and started screaming.

"KIDA!" I yelled in fear if him maybe hurting himself or me.

He rushed in and and through Kay to the guards but before he was gone totally he gave me one last wink with a smile.

"I think the death sentence is the only way."

I turned to him with shock.

"No listen something happened."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Of course something happened."

"No I'm serious, he opened up - he told me a piece he did not mention to the publics view. I recorded on my phone and do not ask how."

"I'm surprised he opened up...he never does"

"I don't know but if we can get every piece of him we can see if it was his intention or if there are really voices in his head that made him do it."

That night before I left the asylum I went past all my patients doors.

Yet there was one glass window and it held my most mysterious strangest patient... Robbie Andrew Kay.

Still in his restraining jacket motionless, that was until he saw me. He crawled near the window and rested his head against the glass. He looked quite insane yet as if he has control.

He smiled and said in a sinister voice.

"I don't get visitors..."

I sat down on the ground opposite him. "I wonder why?" He smiled once again as if enjoying my sarcasm.

"You said the voices are always with you... Are they with you now?"

His smiled dropped.


"What are they saying?" The wicked disturbing smile came back once again and all he did was give a little laugh.


It was around 2 am in the morning when i got a phone call.

"Kida? Do you know what time it is? Bloody hell." I said still half asleep.

"I know, i know and i apologize but something in wrong with Kay."

I rolled my eyes even though i knew he could not see.

"Oh, really now?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, i mean he asked where you were, when you would be back and when i was about to leave the guards came to call me saying that he refuses to eat. I have a feeling it is because he wants to see you. I know this sounds weird but can you come down."

'You have to be kidding me right? On the first day? Already? I hardly started working here... oh for f sakes.' I thought to myself.

"Yeah sure... i swear to God i better get a raise."

He just started laughing and thanked me. I hung up and quickly got dressed.

When i finally got there i was beyond tired and just wanted to hurry this up but when Kida saw me he rushed to me.

"Kida, whats wrong? Where is Kay?"

He looked panicked.

"They are doing a electroconvulsive therapy on him! As punishment please they won't listen to me!" (ECT), formerly known as electroshock therapy by the brain.

I dropped everything and ran - Luckily i knew where to go as they only have one room for ECT.

Kida not far behind me.

When we got to the door it was locked so Kida bashed it open with his shoulder.

After one shock to Kay's brain we got in. I took the fire extinguisher and hit the main man doing it over the head.

"All of you get out!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I am tired, cold and maybe a little hungry so i am not in the mood for any of this nonsense.

The second man in charge walked towards me.

"I swear to god i will hit the living shit out of you if you take one more step towards me or him."

He backed up with his hands up in surrender.

"Take your friend and leave."

They took the guy that i hit and left.

I unbuckled Kay and as soon as his arm was free he grabbed my throat and choked me.

"Kay stop" i could hardly speak and his grip was getting tighter.

"Robbie..." his eyes went soft and he let go.

I helped him up, both Kida and i helped him back to his cell.

We stood there for a while and thats when it hit me. I looked at Kida finally putting the first few pieces together.

"You're the friend, aren't you?"

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