Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.4: Beware! Drunks and cats on the dancefloor

Start from the beginning

You were still walking around the party with Quartet Night, it was hard to lose sight of them now, since Camus was riding on a horse.
"Kya!" You led out a little squeal, when you were hit with a little object in the face.
Reiji started laughing at your reaction, but you went to pick the item up. Upon further inspection it looked like a cat toy, one of those balls with a bell in them, stressful things.
"What is that doing here?" Ai asked.
"I don't know" You started, "and why did it hit me in the face?" You finished.
"I think I can answer that" Ranmaru said with a weird expression.
You turned to him, but before you got to say anything, you were tackled to the ground by Cecil.
"Nyaaa" He let out, stealing the toy from your hands.
Reiji continued laughing his butt off. You let out a growl from the floor. Au remained calm, and Ranmaru, well Ranmaru was hard to read, he looked like he was about to laugh, but he tried not to.
"Peasant! What are you doing here?" Camus yelled, pointing his staff at Cecil.
Cecil froze in his movements, turned his head to look at the vicious count.
"Uhm you was Shion" He said, pointing to the dancefloor, but Shion was nowhere to be seen.
"I really don't care who it was, but could you please remove yourself from me, and help me up" you said rather annoyed.
Cecil let out a yelp, jumped to his feet, and helped you up. At least he wasn't alone anymore.

Somewhere across the dancefloor. Syo was sitting at a table. He had gotten separated from Natsuki and Cecil, but had soon found another companion. Yamato Hyuga.
At the first glance at each other they had butted heads, Syo demanding Yamato to tell him where their things were. Yamato had agreed, on one condition. That Syo could drink him under the table. This had proven to be pretty hard, as there weren't really any alcohol at the party, so they had decided to do it with soda. The first one who had to go to the bathroom, lost.
"You are going down buddy, and when you do, you're gonna show me where our stuff is" Syo said downing his fifth Sprite.
"Ha! That's what you would like to think" Yamato retorted, downing his fifth Cola.
"You know what? It's not always funny being this short!" Syo complained.
"Tell me about it brother, I'm listening!" Yamato yelled back.
"People ALWAYS call me cute, but I'm not! I'm manly!" Syo stated with fire in his eyes.
"Damn right you are!" Yamato agreed, opening his sixth drink.
They both took a moment to take a sip from their drink.
"It's not always fun and games having another idol in your family!" Yamato let out.
"Give me the details!" Syo demanded.
"People ALWAYS compare me to my stupid brother, but I'm not him, I'm better!" He said, finishing the soda.
"Damn straight you are! I admire Hyuga-sensei, but you are a true fighter!" Syo agreed with him, finishing his soda.
"You know what Kurusu, you aren't that bad after all!" Yamato admitted, grinning.
"Same to you!" Syo laughed.
They sat for a moment, enjoying the bro bond they were forming. And then the perfect song started playing, it was meant for them. Their eyes lit up like candles, and it was obvious that they thought the same thing. They both got up from their chairs, and walked arm in arm out on the dance floor, as "Macho Man" played its first tunes.
As they started dancing, it swiftly turned into a competition of who could make the best disco moves, but still being the most "macho".
People around them had noticed the friendly competition going on between the two idols, and they formed a circle around them, clapping along to the music.
Syo and Yamato switched between doing a move. The competition was fierce, and you could feel their souls burn with manliness. In the end the song ended, and the onlooking crowd started clapping and cheering. It was impossible to find a winner amongst the two, they had simply done their best with being macho. The two idols laid an arm around each other's shoulders and bowed for the crowd.
They walked back to the table, their drinking game wasn't over yet. Or maybe it was. As soon as they both sat down, they looked at each other, then at the empty soda cans on the table, then back at each other, and they said in unison: "I need the bathroom" silence fell upon them, and Syo yelled out: "The last one to finish loses!" And they rushed off in different directions to find the nearest bathroom.

"Was that Syo and...Yamato?" Cecil asked confused, looking at you.
"I don't know, I chose to look in the other direction. I have been traumatised enough for one night" You answered, thinking of what you had been pulled through tonight.
Cecil nodded silently.
You could now officially count Syo out of the game of finding your stolen belongings, he was too busy having fun with Yamato. You could see hat, as they both came running back from different directions, what even was the odds of them being done at the same time?
Well at least one of you were having fun. You on the other hand was still on a mission to find your stolen belongings which had proven to be harder than expected.

In another side of the dancefloor, Shion had finally calmed down. He had come to the conclusion that the sweets held an enormous amount of sugar, and that was why he had gone completely hyper. Either that, or Camus had some secret drug dealer life, nobody knew about.
Shion placed himself on a chair, and found that he still had a piece of candy back from Cecil. He didn't quite know where it came from, but it couldn't really hurt eating it, could it?
Only time could show him. As he popped the candy in his mouth, he swiftly spat it out again, it was orange flavored.

Hey Guys!
First of, thank you for reading this story, it makes me really happy >_<
But I just wanted to say that now that season 4 of utapri is airing, I can now see that the way I have portrayed some of the characters are off, and I apologise for that. But I'm not gonna change it, because first of all, many of the characters of STARISH and Quartet Night are off as well, and I started the fanfic way before season 4 started airing. So I'm gonna continue with these bad character portrayals...haha sorry, but I hope that you will continue reading it anyway.
And last but not least, I am so sorry for not updating more often, but I have a lot of school work, and also a massive writers block, you know I got the ideas, but no idea of how to write it or make it make sense...haha...but please stay tuned for the next chapter!

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