Chapter 15

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Naruto could count only a handful of times in which he had been so utterly worried and nervous that he wanted to cry. Even when the Kyuubi's seal was released, Naruto didn't feel like he had now. It was after eight in the evening and Naruto had sent Gamakichi with a letter to Sasuke and now here he was waiting. Naruto would sit cross-legged next to a watchful Kakashi only to jump back up and pace again.

"You're making me dizzy, Naru-chan," Kakashi said as the boy looked at him with distress.

"I don't want to lose him, Kakashi!" Naruto said desperately as he sat in the armchair and drew his legs to his chest. "I hated that. You see, I've learned that while things don't happen exactly as you plan it from one time to another, they still happen. It was basic fact earlier with Sakura-san! Tsunade originally took her but she wouldn't this time because Jiraiya and I weren't looking for the newest Hokage and she has no reason at all to help Sakura. But she's still getting training, the same kind that she should receive under Tsunade. So – so what if – S – Sasuke-nii leaves like he had then?"

Kakashi wondered how to set Naruto's mind at ease. He got up from the couch and sat on the arm of the chair and touched the top of his hand; Naruto looked up at him imploringly and Kakashi hated to see that he was so worried that he was almost in tears.

That was something Kakashi didn't want to see, not ever!

"Answer me something," Kakashi began, "did Sasuke come back?"

Naruto bowed his head and pressed his chin to his knees. "He came back at the very end. You and he were the last ones I saw before Kyuubi consumed me."

"His destination was always here then," Kakashi said gently.

Naruto sighed heavily and leaned into Kakashi's side, he was trying to keep the panic to an all time minimum but it was hard. He closed his eyes and focused on the tips of Kakashi's fingers that were combing through his hair; he pressed his forehead to the man's thigh and smiled a little when Kakashi's hand ran down his back affectionately.

"Heh, thanks for agreeing to this," Naruto said sincerely.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Naruto peered up at him sheepishly. "I didn't want you here because of Sasuke-nii but because of me."

Kakashi chuckled and tugged off the chibi looking eighteen-year-old's hitai-ite and placed it aside. "I already knew that."

There was a knock on the door and Naruto's heart sank as he slowly got up and found Sasuke standing behind the door with Haku.

"Hey guys!" Naruto said opening to let him in.

"Naruto, what was it you wanted?" Sasuke asked for once in his life very curious.

Naruto swallowed and closed the door back before setting the lock in place. Sasuke wasn't surprised when he saw Kakashi sitting in an armchair.


Naruto sat on the edge like Kakashi had as Sasuke and Haku took the couch. "Uh, well, you see there's a lot I need to tell you Sasuke-nii and I don't know where to start."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Get on with it Naruto, you know I don't care whatever it is."

Haku's eyes widened when he realized what Naruto was going to say. "Is this about your real self?"

Naruto inclined his head and Sasuke frowned and looked over at Haku. "Real self?"

Haku smiled apologetically. "I didn't tell you because he didn't want me too."

Sasuke nodded sharply and glared at Naruto. "What are you talking about, Naruto?"

Naruto slumped down on the arm of the chair and stared down at his bracelet, to be honest Naruto felt like his chest was going to explode. "You know how I seem to know what's going to happen before it actually does?"

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