Chapter 14

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Dreams, they were so wonderful and to be honest, it was one dream that Naruto never wanted to leave. The taste of hot chocolate mixed with something so unexplainably amazing that it sent Naruto's heart flying out of his chest.

He awoke to the sound of page turning and moaned as his dreams faded, he turned over feeling his godfather's chubby leg as he did. He knew it was the Pervy Sage from his scent and the the fact that he was writing and he was the only one to be in his bed other than Gaara and that boy was thinner than him!

There was a chuckle but Naruto snuggled closer to Jiraiya before dozing back off only to be reawakened by his hair being tugged playfully. He groaned and batted the hand away only to receive another chuckle.

"Are we getting up any time today lazy Gaki?" Jiraiya asked curiously.

Naruto mumbled something that his brain couldn't quite figure out before he pried his sleep filled eyes open and sat up as though he were drunk. He rubbed his eyes furiously desperate to get the nasty gunk out of his eyes. "Hm, what time is it?"

Finally, Naruto was able to see.

"One o' clock."

Naruto nodded not surprised in the least, he yawned and stretched. "I – didn't get to sleep until about four o' clock."

Naruto pushed the covers down and as his feet landed on the wooden floor, he stopped and rewound his mind back to why exactly he hadn't gotten to sleep until near daylight.

He squeaked aloud when he realized that his dreams hadn't exactly been a dream but reality. Jiraiya arched an eyebrow as Naruto giggled stupidly and staggered to the bathroom to get dressed thus causing Jiraiya to worry a little.

It was like Naruto was drunk, he stumbled through his morning routine dropping everything from the toothpaste to the hairbrush and it was only luck that Naruto caught his flinging toothbrush before it could wind up in the toilet.

"What did you drink last night?" Jiraiya asked when Naruto came out of the bathroom fully dressed.

"Hot chocolate," Naruto answered honestly.

Jiraiya blinked. "By yourself?" He followed Naruto like a puppy to the kitchen, his curiosity rising every second.

Naruto grinned and shook his head. "Not something for your book Pervy Sage," he teased pulling out some bread and starting with toast.

"Awe, come on Gaki! Give me something to work with," Jiraiya complained hovering over Naruto like a child.

Naruto stuffed a piece of toast in the Sage's mouth before adding butter and jam to his own. "I had a visitor last night, alright?"

"Not alright!" Jiraiya declared after chewing and swallowing a mouthful of toast. "Tell me!" he practically whined causing Naruto to stare at him incredulously.

"Alright but swear you won't put it in the book."

"I swear!"

Naruto eyed him dubiously before smiling again. "Kakashi kissed me," he said feeling like a stupid girl in gossip mode.

Jiraiya almost dropped the toast as he stared stunned. "Did he now?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes, we had a really long talk last night. I won't go into details," he said softly. "But it was nice." The teen gasped when Jiraiya practically lifted him off the ground.

"So undeniably cute and I have been revoked from using it, I mean I could seriously title the chapter, Midnight Musings."

"No!" Naruto said bonking him on the head with the tail end of the butter knife. "Keep this between you and me, please!"

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