Chapter 4

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Itachi said nothing to Naruto's massive rant when he got back. The Uchiha simply stared at him when he stormed back outside determined to get Gaara before the sun rose. This time, Naruto didn't take roads and instead he hopped from building to building clinging to the shadows and never stepping even a toe into the places where the moonlight could reveal him.

When he reached the area where the inn sat, on the other side of the bridge Naruto and Kakashi had occupied a half hour ago, Naruto's eyes narrowed. Gaara would either be outside on the roof staring at the moon or in his room staring out the window.

Well, it was now or never, Naruto thought leaping from the building and landing like a cat in the center of the bridge. It was the first time he allowed light to hit him since he had ditched Kakashi. Quickly, he darted to the other side breathing gently as he was once again covered by the cloak of shadows.

He really hoped Kakashi had gone home; it was almost four o'clock in the morning and Naruto really wanted to sleep more than an hour, but he had a feeling that he wasn't going to get it tonight.

He scaled the building to the roof and paused when he saw the sight of the redhead sitting on the rail. He'd been looking up at the moon until he felt Naruto's presence and his shoulders stiffened suddenly.

Now that Naruto was here he shoved his hands into his pockets, trying to act as harmless as possible. "Sabaku no Gaara?" Naruto asked softly causing the black-ring-eyed boy to glare over his shoulder. The glare modeled Haku's ice mirrors, such light green eyes so intense and haunting with a dead-like quality. Naruto wanted to cry just seeing them. "I know you don't care who I am, but I'm Namikaze Naruto," he said deciding to give Gaara his real name for good measure.

A flicker of surprise flashed into his eyes but he still didn't speak. "Well, no one knows I know my last name is Namikaze, they think it's Uzumaki, but what they don't know won't hurt them, right?"

Still no response from the boy.

"Look, I know you don't know me or care and I'm betting you're feeling a little bloodthirsty right now, aren't you?"

Another flash of surprise. Good, Naruto was getting somewhere.

"Yeah, Shukaku, the One-tailed Raccoon Demon,"

"How do you know?" Gaara hissed darkly as he stood up; he was taller than Naruto by a couple of inches. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"A Jinchuuriki knows another Jinchuuriki, doesn't he?"

Gaara gasped and he swallowed while suddenly clutching his chest. His eyes crossed and he shook a little more violently.

"Ah, Shukaku is mad isn't he?" Naruto asked.

Gaara nodded pathetically.

"Probably senses danger from me, huh?" Naruto smiled gently. "Gaara, you have nothing to fear from me, but Shukaku does," he said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Gaara asked slowly as he reined in his painful thoughts and feelings.

"I'm the host of the Nine-tails, the Kyuubi no Kitsune."

"Shukaku is the only friend I have," Gaara said coldly, "it's my mother… what do you want with it?" he demanded features changing from misery to hissing anger.

"Gaara, Shukaku is not your friend. He's trying to consume you and eat your body alive. You haven't slept since you were an infant because of the poorly made seal on your body. Your real mother had to sacrifice her life and it's not your fault, it was your father and that old lady who did the sealing's fault!"

"Lies! Lies!" Gaara growled, "You'll pay for lies!" His voice had changed and Naruto could tell that he was possessed and the Suna boy had no control whatsoever.

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