Chapter 13

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Sasuke and Lee jumped together into the center of the stadium at Genma's call.

"May the best man win!" Lee cheered as he waved to his sensei who was flashing his bright whites from next to an aloof Kakashi.

"Show them the power of your ultimate youth Lee-kun!" he shouted excitedly.

Lee beamed as Sasuke stood emotionless.

"This should be fun," Genma chuckled dryly.

Sasuke inclined his head while Lee bowed cheerfully.

When it began, Sasuke and Lee wasted no time. It was a predominately taijutsu fight with the Sharingan activated. Naruto chewed his lip as he watched the two of them showed off amazing advanced taijutsu.

Dust was kicked up and holes were made into the ground, the harder they fought the more damage the stadium took. It was almost purely hand-to-hand and well adjusted foot-to-foot. Sasuke's Sharingan was hit with a blind spot taking him by surprise when Lee appeared from out of nowhere to flip the Uchiha onto his back and retaliation Sasuke grabbed a hold of him and used his chakra to spin them into the air, his hand wraps circling and twisting around Lee only to be caught up in his ability to open two of his chakra gates. It was like an overly explosive kunai and had it not been for Sasuke's eyes he would have been hit. Sasuke cursed and bounced away, catching the real green spandex wearing teen in a simple genjutsu.

The teen fell to his knees, locked into blood red eyes. Sasuke's bent down, hand out while the other snapped around his wrist and he began to charge Kakashi's Chidori to end the fight while Lee was trapped.

The crowd was screaming and hooting in excitement but Naruto simply observed without cheering for both. He wanted Sasuke to become a Chuunin but he also thought that Lee deserved it as well.

Sasuke rushed forward to the still Genin and launched the ball of lightning toward the shoulder blade to only knock him out and not kill but gasped along with Naruto and the others when they noticed that Lee had a kunai imbedded into his right thigh.

It happened quickly, Lee slid to the right, his leg sliding out from under him to trip Sasuke and send the Chidori into the ground making a massive into the earth.

Back and forth, Sasuke and Lee fought tirelessly and no one knew who the victor would be in a match like this; it was the longest fight thus far. They were equally matched, Sasuke may have more stamina and chakra but Lee had a will to prove that just because he had the lowest supply of chakra didn't mean he couldn't take on those with much higher.

It happened unexpectedly, Sasuke and Lee both stopped. Their hands clasped alternatively on each other's wrists and Naruto saw that they were conversing silently.

Lee nodded and they both dropped their hands and looked to Genma.

"We give up," Sasuke and Lee announced at the same time.

The whole crowd went into silence as they heard it. "This match is pointless," Sasuke said sharply.

"We're getting nowhere fast," Lee insisted.

Sasuke looked as though he were clenching his jaw before spitting out, "we're too equally matched."

"I don't wanna be here all night!" Lee said crossing his arms. "I admit defeat to the Sharingan taijutsu wielder."

"I admit defeat as well." Naruto could tell that it was taking all his pride to say such but he also knew that Lee deserved respect and not a humiliation fight.

They left before Genma could respond.

Sasuke tossed his hand wraps to Lee to mop up the bleeding thigh and scaled the stadium wall and jumped back in next to Naruto without a word.

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