Chapter 3

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Team Seven had been absolutely floored when they met with Zabuza and Haku on the bridge. Tazuna started shaking when he saw the two, but Naruto beamed when Haku rushed to him for a hug.

"Haku-kun!" Naruto said squeezing the boy's body. It was shocking to know that Haku was almost thinner than him and fifteen. Naruto had forgotten about how little Haku was and for once he didn't grouse about his own size issues.

"We've come to offer protection."

Kakashi was shocked, but instead of knocking the offer away he gave a nod. "Thank you, Zabuza-kun."

Naruto cocked his head to the side and Haku leaned against him. "These are your shinobi teammates?" he asked a little shyly.

"Yah, this is Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura and I believe you know Hatake Kakashi. Guys this is Haku."

Sasuke gave a nod while Sakura seemed rather confused, but she smiled kindly.

"How long have you been a team?"

"For about a month and a half?" Naruto tallied in his head.

During the guarding of Tazuna, Naruto sat down between a lazy Kakashi, a perverted Zabuza and in front of him was a blushing Haku who was shaking his head.

Haku looked over at Sasuke. "Your name, I recognize it," he said thoughtfully.

Sasuke inclined his head. "Probably. You are Missing Nin's correct?"

"Only he is," Haku said nodding toward Zabuza who who kept tugging on Naruto's blond tails and taunting his delicate features.

Kakashi was just watching lazily from over his book but you could tell he was amused.

"You have the Sharingan, don't you?"

Sasuke inclined his head. "It hasn't activated yet."

"I have a Kekkei Genkai too," Haku said cheerfully.

This got Sasuke's full attention. "Oh?"

"Hold out your hands."

Sasuke reluctantly did, Sakura was watching and Naruto could see a brief flicker of jealousy. It was obvious that Sasuke didn't talk to many people and for years she had been trying to get his attention.

Haku placed his hands an inch above Sasuke's palms and concentrated his Chakra until he manipulated the water element into ice in the palm of his hand. He dropped it into Sasuke's who stared wide eyed.

"I see," he paused, "Ice Release? There's a legend saying that the Ice Release was founded in the Land of Water and they all were slaughtered."

Haku blushed and ducked his head. "Yes, in the Land of Water they viewed Kekkei Genkai as demonized and destroyed anyone who possessed the ability."

"Sasuke-kun is from the infamous Uchiha Clan! He's the Heir!" Sakura cooed breathlessly.

Haku blinked at her and Sasuke rolled his eyes and attempted to ignore her.

"Except you?" Sasuke asked Haku.

Sakura tried to once again to add to the conversation only to be brushed away by Sasuke. Naruto felt slightly bad for her but she had no tact. Sasuke was interested in Haku and Sakura should at least try and play nice if she wanted to win Sasuke's attention.

But then again, Naruto was eighteen and Sakura was twelve. It wasn't hard to forget just how far away in age he was from his friends and how close he was in age to Kakashi and Zabuza.

Haku only smiled but both Naruto and Sasuke witnessed the flicker of pain.

"Well, it's great but not as great as the Sharingan," Sakura declared haughtily.

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