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 ~Your POV~ 

      "It's been five months since I left him and it still hurts like hell." You commented, rubbing your hand down your face. Your neighbor, Felicity, sighed and placed a hand on your knee. 

   "Then why don't you go back to him sweetie?" She asked, and you looked up into her hazel eyes that reminded you so much of Sam. But then again everything reminded you of those two men. 

   "Because, he deserves to be happy." You whispered, your e/c eyes filling with tears. She saw and pulled you into a hug. 

   "It'll be okay, you'll figure out how to deal with the pain." She promised, and you nodded. Felicity knew all about pain. Her wife and son had died in a car accident about seven months ago. 

   "I'm sorry I always talk to you about this, I don't know who else I would talk to." You said, holding back sobs. 

   "You can always talk to me, it's what friends are for. Just promise me you'll try to move on, if you're not going to go back to this man you've told me nothing about." She said, and you somehow smiled through the pain. 

   "I'm going to go home, but I'm still coming over for movie night tomorrow." You promised, and she nodded before walking you to the door. You hugged her one last time before walking to the house next to hers, which was yours. When you left Dean, you came to this town, not knowing what to do. Felicity helped you out and you decided to stay, for Felicity and Dean would probably never come looking for you at a house. And you knew Dean was looking for you, or at least he was. You weren't sure anymore. You were trying not to care. 

    You walked up to your door, unlocking it and walking in. It smelled like apple pie, it always did. Curtosy of the candles you had bought. It hurt you every time you smelled it, and it brought up memories you didn't want to think about, but you needed something that smelled like him. You kiced off your shoes and hung your jacket up by the door. Sighing, you went into the kitchen to get yourself a glass of wine. 

~Dean's POV~ 


   "It's been five months, Sam. Where did she go?" I asked, pressing my whole weight against the table in the bunker library. 

  "Dean, I understand that you need to find her, but maybe she just can't be found." Sam suggested, and I slammed my fist on the table. 

  "No damnit! I have to find her! I have to-" I stopped, tears clogging my throat. I pushed them down, getting ahold of myself. 

  "I miss her Sammy." I whispered, letting my guard down. Sam came up behind me, clapping a hand on my shoulder. 

  "I know you do Dean, I do too. We'll find her, but we can't rush it. She's being very careful on staying off the radar." Sam pointed out, and I nodded. 

  "I know." I replied, turning around. I patted Sam's shoulder before walking off to my room where a bottle of whiskey was waiting. 

~Your POV~ 

      After your fourth glass of wine you finally felt a buzz. You laid back on the couch, closing your eyes. But all you saw were bright green eyes. You shot up, throwing your glass against the wall. It shattered and you let out an emotional scream. You fell to the floor on your knees, sobs wracking your body. 

  "I need to get a hold of myself. I need to get a hold of myself. I need to get a holsd of myself." You whispered, wiping your eyes. You stood up and walked over to pick up the glass pieces. 

~Three days later~ 

   You walked down the street, a cup of coffee in your hand. You were heading to work, you were a manager at a cafe. You walked in and the other waitress, a seventeen year old girl named Stacie who was very funny, waved at you. 

  "Hey Y/n, how's it going?" She asked as you set your coffe down and tied on your apron.

   "It's going good, how about you?" You asked, smiling. She was like a little sister to you, which helped ease the pain of your real sister being dead. 

  "It's okay, I got the lead role of my school play." She announced, and you squealed. 

   "Oh my God, that's so great! I'm so proud of you kiddo." You exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. She laughed and hugged you back. 

  "Thanks." She said, and you pulled away. The two of you began setting it up to open, you two were always an hour early to get everything ready and then have time to sit and chat. An hour and a half later, the cafe was open and customers starting streaming in for breakfast. You served your usual tables, and when a new guy came in you volunteered to wait his table. You walked over, and he looked up. Damn, he was attractive. 

  "What can I get you?" You asked, grabbing out your pad and pen. He looked down at the menu for a second. 

  "I'll get the blueberry scones and a glass of orange juice please." He ordered, and you jotted it down. 

   "Alright, I'll be back with your food in a bit." You promised, turning and walking over to Stacie who was staring at him. 

   "He's hot." She commented, and you scoffed. 

  "You have a boyfriend remember? Plus he's too old for you." You pointed out, and she looked at you as if you were crazy. 

   "Not for me, for you." She explained, and you laughed. 

  "I couldn't. Could I?" You asked, and she crossed her arms over her chest. 

  "Of course you can, you need to get out there. Don't turn into a crazy cat lady." Stacie prodded. 

   "You know what? I'm going to. I work my ass off, it's time for me to be happy again." You said, grabbing his food and marching over to him with confidence. 

  "Hey, what's your name?" You asked, setting him food down. He looked up at you before answering. 

   "Parker." He replied, and you sat down across from him. Taking a deep breath, you kept talking. 

   "Well Parker, I'm Y/n. Do you want to go on a date?" You asked, and he looked very confused for a second. 

  "You know what? I'd love to Y/n." He replied, a warm smile on his face. You nodded, a smile on your face. 

  "I'm looking forward to it." You said. 

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