Saved You

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Standing up I stood behind the back the couch facing the door. I was hoping all that Ricky had taught me wold work right now. I need to this and there was no stopping me from it. I would do whatever it takes to get him to talk to me. We both needed this.

I heard him walk up onto the porch and I started to hear him turn the lock when he had walked up to the door. If my heart was still beating I swear it would be pounding out of my chest right now. That might be what would of killed me instead of the pills.

He walked into the house and he stop dead in his tracks, I'm guessing he saw me. I wasn't really expected it too work this well right away. He looked like he was about to pass out and I was about to rush over to him when he reached for the wall to catch himself but  I think if I go help him it would make things worse on him. Maybe I should of done this more subtlety. 

"Yo-you can't be he-here.This can't be real." He stammered out in disbelief as he starred at me with the most blank expression he could have. I could tell he couldn't process what was going on and I was waiting for him to calm down before I said anything. I didn't want to make him anymore worked up then he already was.

He took a few deep breaths, putting his head back and close his eyes, trying to compose himself. I could tell he was trying to calm himself down and figure out what was going on by him demeanor as he stood there. Once he was calm enough he tried to stand up straight and starred at me, looking me up and down. Trying to make sure I was real and not some sick joke of his imagination. I was guessing this anyways. 

"Chris, is that really you?" He ask quietly, almost like he was scared if he spoke above a whisper I would disappear before his very eyes. He slowly started to walk closer to me in a cautions manner. 

I smile at him, trying to comfort him without being to forceful about my presence in the room. Wary that I would make him panic again with one wrong move I could make. 

We both seemed to be worried about what could happen but on complete different ends of the spectrum. "It is me. It's really me I swear to you that it is baby" I told him and the moment he heard my voice his eyes light up. He rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs aroudn my waist, clinging to me like I would vanish any moment without warning. 

Something about holding him now felt different, more distance even though he was right in my arms. It as like there was an invisible wall between us but no the else he was here in my arms which was all I could care about right now.

"I missed you. I'm so sorry for walking out like I did that night. I should of stayed and talked thins through. This is all my fault." He was as the point sobbing as he spoke and my heart felt like it  would break if it was still there. I wish I could take this all back and he would stay safe and we could live a long life together but I knew there was no way around that and no fixing it now. 

"None of this is your fault. It had nothing to do with what happened." I told him as I ran a hand through his soft hair. I was hoping that alone would reassure him enough that I wouldn't need more explanations but knowing Ange that wouldn't end there. 

He pulled away from me just enough so he could look me in the eyes as he spoke. "What do you mean? If it wasn't from that why would you do this to me?" He sounded so heartbroken and confused. Hearing him right now was making me feel worse then I thought it would.

I let out a sigh and took a few steps back so I could sit back down on the couch to make this easier to speak about. He was actually lighter for me to hold now, at least that's what it felt like. Before it was a struggle for me to do this but of course I still tried to because it made him happy when I did. 

"A lot of things happened after you left and me doing this was what kept you save in the end." I told him trying to keep it as simple as I could. I didn't want to make him panic anymore today with learning that he possible could of died a few days ago.

"What do you mean things happened?" He ask in a serious tone, raising an eyebrow at me. I knew from the expression he gave me I wasn't getting around talking about this. He wanted answers and he wouldn't stop till I gave him some. 

I closed my eyes, processing what was about to come out. I took one last deep breath as I put together what I was about to say. Wanting to make sure I used all the best words I could. "After you left I was somehow shown that you would end up in a car crash and the only way I could reverse the outcome of it was for me to give up my life for yours. That's why I did it. I had to save you." I told him and he seemed shocked as I spoke.

"You did this for me?" He ask seeming to not believe what I just said. "Why would you do that?" 

"Because I loved you and your life meant more to me then my own. In that moment this was the only way I could see this working out properly." I told him, planting a kiss against his head.

"There had to be another way around this." He mumlbe more to himself and I could see tears starting to shimmer in his eyes. I wiped one a way that ended up falling down along his cheeks. 

"There wasn't another way, he is telling the truth." I heard a harsh voice snit from the top of the stairs. He really couldn't just stay away for a little while longer. It may seem like he is trying to help but the two of us know his presence is just going to make things worse then they already were. But of course that's what he wants to happen, he lives for this these type of problems. 

"Devin, leave now." I spat at him without turning around but of course he didn't want to listen. Why should I of even tried. I should of known he wouldn't listen. 

Ange placed a hand on my chest, trying to reassure me that it was okay. "What do you mean and what are you still doing here?" Ange ask him obviously confused. I could tell he just wanted answers and I know that was something he deserves to have now. 

"He's still here because he always been here. He was the one that caused all the problems in the house at the beginning." I told him and I see he wanted to be mad at me for not telling him till now but he wanted to try  hear me out. He was always able to keep such a level head, more then I would ever dream of being able to keep in moments like this. 

"What does he mean there was no other way to stop this? He could of called me home before I got to that point where the crash happened. There had to be time to do something." Ange said looking behind me, up at Devin, letting him know he was asking him the question directly. 

"That's not how these things work. If he would of called you home before them you would of just gotten in a crash sooner on the way back. A life has to be lost to save another, that's the rule." He told him coldly. You think with how upset Angelo and all the damage he caused he would at least try to be considerate right now.

He nodded, taking in all that was said before looking back at me. "I really meant that much to you?" He ask me in shock and I smiled up at him. If only he knew how much I loved him. 

"Your life meant more to me then my own and you will always mean that much to me. I want you to have a long, happy life, even if it means I'm not there for it." I said creasing my hand along his cheek.

"How can I be happy with you though?" He ask and his voice cracked at the end. He seemed to be getting more upset as time went on, it was like he was realizing the situation to it's full extent. He could no longer fully pretend it wasn't true.

"You will be, I know it." I said kissing his head. "Time will heal you but know I will always love you." I was struggling at holding myself together at this point but I knew I needed to, for his sake anyways. 

"I will always love you too." He said and at this point he was sobbing into my chest. All I could do now was hold him and give him as much comfort as he needed. Hopefully this will help heal his heart a small bit. 

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