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Walking into the living room I sat down on the couch and picked my laptop off of the top, placing it on my lap. Going on it I quickly typed in the house address into the search bar and the whole time I watch it load I was hoping nothing would come up but of course I didn't see what I wanted. What came up was the worst it could probably get and everything was making more sense now.  

"Shit." I mumble as I mindlessly stared at the screen. I was expecting to find very little but instead I was staring down article after article. Where should I even start? I thought to myself a I scroll through all of them,reading the brief dispensation under them. 

Glancing at the one near the top, one of the names jump out at me and I knew this was were I needed to start. Ryan Sitkowski. The story was more complex then I was expecting but then again why would there be so much posted about it if it was small anyways. 

I remember Ryan had mentioned that he has, well more like had a boyfriend that lived here with him named Ricky. Ricky had died by being stab in the chest after they had lived here for three months. Ryan had been questioned consent times and was eventually was ruled out as a subject. After that happened the case went cold. 

Before Ryan and Ricky lived here there was another couple which moved out after a month of living here because things were going missing and they thought someone was going into the house when they weren't home. They had installed countless security systems and none of them worked and they had felt unsafe. Most of the cameras they installed around the property were smashed and all the footage that should of been on them was erased. The house was left vacant and the bank reclaimed it and sold it.

There were a few other stories online and they all sound too familiar. None of the others that I could find said anything about anyone dying which made sense in my mind. Ricky had supposedly been the only ghost, I guess I could refer to them as such, that I was aware of. 

This whole sittuatuon just seemed to be getting criticizer to me as I spent more time looking into this. Taking a deep breathe I shut the laptop and slid it across the table. Leaning back I rested my back against the couch as I processed everything. I knew this place was too good to be true. You would of thought that we would of run the second things went wrong but I don't think we would even have the money to that. Plus I'm to stubborn to run.  All I can hope now is that everything is cleanse and we can actually keep having a normal life. 

Shaking my head I tired to clear my mind. Stop thinking of all of this for a while or until  when I have to worry about all this again. Which I hope will be never.

Standing up from the couch I made my way towards the stair, stopping to lock the door before going upstairs. Ange wasn't going to be home anytime soon and plus he has a key to get in. I don't think I will ever feel content about leaving doors unlock in this house. Regardless if no one broke into the house I still don't like it. I think that some logical part of my brain still likes to think that a person broke in here and that's why everything happened.  

Walking into the bathroom upstairs I started up the shower before walking back in to the bedroom to get a towel from the closet. The closet was opposite the bedroom door meaning I had my back turned to it. I heard the bedroom door start to creek open a bit and I quickly jump and turned around, noticing it was open more then I had left it. I slowly walked over to the door and glanced sown the hall to see if anything was there. Of course there was nothing but I let out a sigh of relief when I saw the window at the end of the hall was open and there was a slight breeze. I guess that could of been what caused it. 

With a shurg I walked back to the bathroom decide to let it go. It's not like it can be anything that bad, the house has been quite for weeks. 

Stepping into the shower I stood there just letting the hot water cascade over my tense mussels, letting myself relax. I was so lost in my own mind that I didn't hear the door open or notice when the breeze came in to the shower stall when it was pulled open and shut. 

I jump when I felt someone around wrap itself around me and the person hand rest against my back. Not thinking anything of it I amused it was Ange and that he got back earlier then expected. 

"Hey babe ho was the hospital? Is Nick's family okay?" I asked him.

"Ya everything good now." He mumble and I turned around to face him. He leaned up on his tip toes to kiss me and I wrap my arms around his waist so he wouldn't slip. He pull away from me and drop down to his knees in front of me and he started to stroke my half erect cock. 

I laugh and smirk down at him. "Well isn't someone eager." i said with a laugh. This type of behavior isn't something I expect from him and not going to lie I wish he was like this more often. 

He batted his eyes up at me before my dick in his mouth. I let out a groan as my head fell back and I wrap one of my hands in his hair. 

He looked up at me as he moved his mouth down to the base and swear I saw his his shift to a different color momentarily but that thought was completely erased from my mind as he ran his a long the underside as he quickly made his way up my cock. 

He continued this for a while before pulling his mouth back and he started to stoke my cock once again in quick motions until I let out a loud moan, cumming all over his face. I was a bit shocked by that, Ange has never been a fan of  letting me cum on his face before and in this moment he seemed almost pleased by it. I wasn't complaining but this was a bit strange for me. 

"Thank you Master." He said sweetly and I smirk down at him. That was something I haven't heard him call me in a while. We both have just been so caught up in everything recently and this was a major sigh that things are going back to normal.  

After we finished up our shower and got cleaned up we moved back into the bedroom. Laying down on the bed he curled into my side and I wrap my arms around him and he rested his head on my chest. 

Not long after I felt him drift off to sleep on my chest and then out of no were I got this sudden sense of exhaustion that I tried to fight it off but that didn't last long. Soon I found myself drifting off and I couldn't stop it. 

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