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Ange has been sick for the last few weeks now and it's making me question a lot about our house and if it was really in the condition we were told it was. I mean I known I looked around and found nothing but that doesn't mean that there can't be some form of mold somewhere in the house. Maybe I'm just being to over protective but I've always been like that with him. I was even going to take more time off of work to take care of him but he push me out of the house every morning claiming one of us needs to work.

He's been acting kind of strange too recently. He usually hates having to reschedule appointments with people when he's sick. I have had to force him to stay home before. The fact that he is staying home on his own choice is just weird for me.

I think it could be from the lack of sleep he has been getting recently as well. Almost every night he has been waking from some sort of nightmare and he never wants to talk about it. It has me worried, he has never been the type to have nightmare. I don't think he has ever had one in the years we have been together.

Part of me feels that this all has something to do with the house. I have also been having strange dreams but always the same one. The dream just seems to slowly progress. It's so strange were this all came from but maybe I've just been thinking to much about it.

Pulling up into the driveway I saw my baby sitting on the porch with a sketchbook on the table and a pencil in his hand. He seemed so into his work that he didn't even hear me when I pulled into the driveway.

I slowly walk up the steps to the porch and bent down next to him to wrap my arms around him. "What are you drawing baby?" I ask kissing the side of his neck

He jump and turn to face me. It seemed I had scared him when I had pulled him out of his work. "I was working on some stuff for the shop but I guess my mind got a little distracted." I heard him say as his voice trailed off. He was starring down at his art in a way that made it look like he was seeing it for the first time. I raised and eyebrow and pulled the book closer to me to see the drawing.

I could see a man with long black hair that stopped just below his shoulders with spider bites on is lips and tattoos going down both arms. He had a skeleton key on a chain around his neck and he was in a black button up shirt. From the looks of it he was sitting on the front porch step in front of our house and he was starring of into the distance. The man in the picture wasn't what I was stuck on though. What really pop out at me was the hand resting on the mans shoulder that came out from the side had lost written across the knuckles in the same print from my dream.

"Where did you get this idea from?" I ask not taking my eyes off of the page as I spoke.

"I don't even know. I had another weird dream so I came out here to distract myself and get a few drawing done up for work tomorrow and I spaces out and this is what happened." He said quietly like he was also trying to process everything.

Taking one last look at the drawing I looked up at him. "What type of dream?" I ask with a concerned filled voice.

"Just another nightmare." He mumble.

"You have been having a lot of those recently baby. Do you want to talk about it?" I ask him as I ran a hand through his hair.

He seem to stiffen a bit when I ask him that. "I don't really remember them. I don't know. I think I have just been stressed and sleep deprived with all the moving and the shops being more busy recently. I should be back to normal soon." He told me trying to give me a reassuring smile.

"Okay baby." I said to him placed a kiss on the side of his head. "Are you ready to go inside? It looks like it's going to rain soon anyways." He gave me a nod and stood up and followed me inside where we sat down and cuddle on the couch. We sat in silents for a bit and he seemed to be going back to his normal self.

"I have to go away in a week." He mumble into my chest. I was thrown off for a second until I remember he had a tattoo convention he was supposed to got to. He look up at me with soft eyes. "I don't want to go, I don't want to be away from you." He said quietly.

"I don't want to be away from you either but it's just for two days. Plus this could really help your business." I said running my head through his hair.

"I know but I wish you could come with me, you always used too." He was right about that every time he has went for one of these I came along but this year it happened to follow on the couple of days where I had too much going on at the studio to be with him.

"How about this, before you leave we can go furniture shopping and I'll set everything up well your gone." He smiled up at me when I said that.

"You know me to well." He said giving me a kiss. "We should also get the barbecue out of stronger so you can actually eat really food without starting a fire." He said poking my chest.

"You still think I'm not good at cooking." I said in a teasing voice and he shook his head with a smirk. "Well I'm defiantly good at other things." I said pulling him on to my lap.

"Oh are you?" He said grinding himself against me.

"I'm guessing I'm going to have to show you." I said placing a hand around his neck and squeezing lightly.

"I guess you are." He said in a quiet moan. Now this is the perfect thing to come home too.

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