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I had stayed a few hours at Ryan's trying to calm him down a bit. I wanted to make sure he was mentally sane enough to he alone before I left him. I didn't need another ghost haunting me. Plus this time around it would be on my conscious, no one else. I really don't need any more problems in my life right now either.

Pulling into our driveway I could see Ange sitting on the porch with someone. The other person was facing away from me meaning all I could make put from the appearance was their long black hair and their ice, pale skin. 

Getting out of the car I slowly made my way up to the porch. Nothing that ever happens here is anything good and I feel like this is going to go the same way. I didn't think we were going to have anyone over tonight and the person didn't look familiar at all from what I could see of them. 

"Hey baby." Ange called as he saw me walking up the front steps. 

Smiling up at him I walked in his direction. "Who's this?" I ask him before I could even see them which was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. As the person sitting there turn around to face me I was met with one face I didn't want to have to see, specifically with Ange sitting right there. 

"This is Devin. He lives a few house down and he saw me out here when I was drawing. He came up and introduce himself and we started talking." Ange told me in a calm tone which definitely wasn't matching how I was feeling. 

Devin stood up from were he was sitting and walk over to me and stuck his hand out in my direction. I hesitantly grab it and shock it and he smiled up at me. "It's nice to meet you. You must be Chris." He said to me and I could see the same evil glint in his eyes that seems to always linger there.

I didn't say a word to him because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep myself compose enough to sound civil to him. I could tell Ange wasn't picking up on the tension between us and I was thankful for that. I really didn't need to deal with him being suspicious right now as well.

"Well I should be going. It was nice meeting the two of you." Devin said looking at the two of us as he spoke. 

"It's was nice meeting you too. Have a good day." Ange told him with a smile. All I could mange in response was a weak smile as he walked away. 

With a loud sigh I sat down, slouching in the chair in front of Ange and he raised an eyebrow at me in curiosity. He looked me up and down in a way that made me feel like he was looking for something. With all that just happened it had me paranoid 

Crossing his arms over his chest he starred me down. "What 's wrong baby?" I ask him, concerned. He was acting strange and it made me feel like Devin told him something I wouldn't want him knowing. 

"Why are you so late today?" He ask me and I could hear the hurt in his voice. Hearing it brought back a lot of memories I didn't want to think about and I felt my heart break a bit in my chest. 

"I just went and met up with a friend after work. That was all" I told him with a reassuring smile. Reaching across the table I grab his hand in mine and lightly traced my thumb over the back of his hand. 

"You promise?" He ask me, looking up at me with big eyes that made me feel horrible for not telling him the whole truth. I mean I wasn't really lying or anything I did go visit someone there was just a few details left out of the story. Nothing I was leaving out was what I knew he was getting at. I guess on some level what he's looking for in me is true, it just didn't happen today.

"I do promise. I was just visiting a friend. That was all." I told him and he slowly nodded at me. I could tell he believed what I said to him but he was still set off by where his mind must of been going.

He looked me over for a minute, seeing something in me that made him question what I was thinking about again. I know there was no way I was relaxed and calm after seeing Devin here. The whole thing confused me because I kind of just assumed that he couldn't leave the property. Maybes it was just Ricky that couldn't then.

"What's wrong? Something about you just seems sort of off today, you've been like this for a while now but there is just something different about it all today." He ask me and I looked up into his eyes. 

In all honestly I didn't know know how to answer that. I couldn't really explain anything to him without him know I sort of cheated on him and I've been lying to him about what has been going in in our house. I wasn't really up to dealing with the argument I knew that would lead to. I don't know If I ever will be ready to. 

"Ya I'm just fine work is still just getting to me a lot. There has been way too much work piled up recently and it's driving me a bit crazy." I told him letting there be some frustration in my voice to let him how I was feeling. I felt it would make my statement more realist sounding to him. 

"Still?  You had said something about that last time I asked. Why don't we take a few days off soon and go away for a few night. I think we both could used a small break. Plus we would have some time to work on some planning for our wedding which you said we would do soon." He said to me and my face lit up with a smile. Getting away from this house seems like an ideal situation for the two of us.

"I would like that a lot and we did do some wedding planning the other night." I said playfully to him in hopes it wold lighten the mood. 

"All we did was look up some places I want to actually make official plans." He said with so much excitement in his voice that all my stress from today melted away.  He can just brighten my day by being here and that is why I need him so much.

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