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We had almost completely moved in at this point. We had tried to get as much stuff into our new house before we had to leave our old apartment so we wouldn't have that much work to do on are first night here. Most of our furniture was in here, we were now are just moving the smaller boxes in. I was in the kitchen putting our kitchen supplies away while Angelo was putting our clothes away.

"Chrissy." I heard Angelo mumble as he walk up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist.

I let out a chuckle. "Aren't you supposed to be unpacking upstairs?" I ask with a smirk.

"Yes but I got bored doing that." He said burying his face in my back.

I moved away a bit so I could turn to face him. "And what would you rather be doing." I ask him.

"Hmm." I heard him mumble against me neck. "I can think of a few things."

I look down at him raising an eyebrow. "Oh? What would that be?" Without a word I watched him drop to his knees in front of me and he slowly took me out of my pants before wrapping his lips around my cock. My hand quickly moved to the back of his hand as I push him further down on me until I heard him gag.

"I swear I'm going to fuck you in every room of this house tonight." I growl as I used the hand I had in his hair to pull him up to his feet before pushing over the counter top. I quickly pull his pants down and well I was doing that I felt something in his pocket. I reach in to grab it and seeing the object cause me to smirk. "This is what you wanted from me wasn't it? You want me to fuck you?" I ask him,bending froward as I dangle the small bottle of lube by his face.

"Yes. Please fuck me." I heard him moan as he grinded himself against me.

Bring my hand back I harshly I landed it on his backside. "Are you forgetting something?"

"Please fuck me Master." He moan out, desperately.

"Since you ask so nicely I just might." I said as I open the bottle of lube before pour some on to my fingers. "But don't think I'm going to let you cum that easy. This is going to be a long night for you. Do you understand me?" I ask him as I roughly shoved my fingers into him,

"Yes Master." He said in a moan. This seems like the best way to spend our first night here.


I woke up the next morning to Angelo kissing along my neck. "What are you dong?" I ask him with a smirk as I open my eyes.

"Nothing. Just trying to wake you up." He mumble against my neck.

"And shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" I ask him as I ran my hand through his hair.

He lookup at me with a pout. "Why can't I just take the day off and help you?" He ask and I let out a sigh. Last week we agree that the first few days of being here I was going to take the day off of work to finish moving us in and fixing anything that needs to be.

"We talk about this. You don't like moving things in and this way I won't be distracted." I said kissing his cheek.

"Fine. I should start getting ready now. Go back to sleep." He said to me and then giving me a kiss before getting out of bed.

"I love you baby." I said as he walk out of the room and he stop at the door and smiled at me.

"I love you too, I'll see you when I get home. Get a lot done today so you can give me attention when I get home." He said and I smirk.

"I'll try." He shook his head with an eye roll before finally leaving the room.

I let out a sigh before laying back down. This as strange for me to not be getting up with him and going off to work. I haven't taken a day off of work in years now.

I laid there just resting my eyes and after a while I heard the front door shut and I let out a sigh, choosing to get out of bed and trying to start my day. It was quite obvious that I wasn't going to be able to get anymore sleep now that I am awake.

Standing in the kitchen I started to make myself some coffee, which was one of the first things I unpacked knowing all the work I may of had to do today. I was really hoping the realtor wasn't lying when she said all the revelations done on this house where done not that long ago.

The house was eerily quiet and I seemed to get more paranoid in it as the day went on. I was constantly looking over my shoulder thinking someone was there or I would kick something over and the noise would cause me to jump. I have never been an easily frightened person but something about this house brought this side out of me.

I can't help but wonder what could of happen here that made people want to sell for so low. I can't figure it out. Looking around the house I was not noticing any problems when it comes to mold, pluming or electrical. So what could it be?

I was definitely starting to wast time by double cheeking things and taking longs breaks when they weren't need as I finished more and more task on my mental list. I eventually come to the point where I couldn't put anything off anymore. I had to go up to the attic. Coming to the door I slowly pulled it open and walked up the stair. The creaking that a few of them made gave me a chill that run down my spin. I flick the light on and for the most part the room was empty beside a few shelves along the wall that was covered in dust. From the looks of it the old owner didn't use this room and I don't think we will be as well.

"Let's get this over with." I mumble to myself as I started cheeked the things I need to and all but ran back down the stairs. I felt like I would be able to laugh at this moment if I wasn't so frighten. Just the image of a 6 foot, goth man running away from the idea of a room had a comical feel to it. I'm positive if Angelo was here right now he would tease me about it.

Finally being down stairs gave me a sense of relief, plus Angelo would be home soon meaning I would feel a little more comfortable here. That feeling of comfort though completely ran out of me the second I walked back into the living room. All the boxes that I didn't know where to put where in this room and each and everyone of them was turned onto there side, which was not how I had originally left them. It was a mess now with everything spared everywhere.

"Hello?" I called out. Ya Chris smart move, call out to the possible maniac that's in your house because that always goes well. I thought to myself.

When I got no responds I frantically start to run around the house cheeking every room and making sure all of the door and window were locked and shut. Once I come back to where I start I was feeling like I was going crazy. There was no one here, it was just me.

Moment after I heard the front door open and I quickly turned towards it. Seeing Angelo there made me try to tough up quickly knowing I was going to have to be there for him if he start to freaking out, plus regardless of how long we had been together I still like to seem like the strongest between us in every situation, it was a dominance thing that was for sure.

"What happened?" he ask walking over to me as he took in the state of the living room. "You said you were going to unpack. That doesn't mean just throw everything around." He said.

"This isn't how I left it. I went up to the attic because I was cheeking the pipes and all that stuff in the house and when I came back the room was like this. There is no one in here I looked everywhere." I told him feeling like mad person.

He let out a sigh. "Are you sure there was no one here?" He ask concerned.

"I didn't see anyone and everything seems to be locked." I told him.

"Let's just keep an eye on it okay? Made you just kicked things over throughout the day and you didn't notice. You know who you don't always pay attention to the things you do. Anyways there has to be logical reason from everything. Now come and cuddle with me you have seemed to have had a long day and all I have been wanting to do is have you hold me." He said as he pulled me over the the couch amongst the mess and curled up on my lap.

I let out a sigh as I took in the disaster. "We need to clean all of this." I said to him.

"Later." He mumble into my chest and I let out a chuckle and I just focus on the moment I was in instead of the mess surrounding us.

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