Chapter 15: Secrets - 2 for 1

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Chapter 15

*Ella's POV*

After getting ready, I hop down the stairs and go to the fridge. I grab a water bottle, along with a banana. Don't get me wrong- I love breakfast food, and when I'm hungry or want to eat- I really eat. Just one of the many things Niall and I have in common. I close the refrigerator, and grab my pill containers off the counter. I take all of them, except the one that makes me knackered. I eat my banana. I probably wouldn't have ate, but ' you have to eat something, ' according to Doctor Liam. I walk over and stand next to Louis, as the "group" gets ready to leave.

Eleana comes marching into the room. Oh, she's back. My eyes widen when I glance at her shorts. They were just a bit too short for my liking. Lets set something straight here- I'm not one of those girls that can't wear shorts about the knee, and I do have some short-shorts of my own- but these looked if she cut them more than how she bought them.

Louis whispers into my ear,

" I think she's trying to hard."

"Is it the shorts?" I ask back.

He answers with a nod. I couldn't help but hold in a laugh that came after his comment. Trying my best to avoid eye contact with Eleana, I didn't realize until now, Niall standing right next to her. How does he put up with that? Ella, shut up! He probably loves her. I snap out of the battle in my mind, when Eleanor snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Ello? Earth to Bella?" she snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry," I apologize.

I notice everyone is here, except Harry. When did they all get here? Was I really zoned out for that long?

"Yes you were," she laughs. I give her a confused look.

"You said that out loud," she explains.

"Oh.." I trail off, not knowing what else to say.

"Hey, Bella," Niall starts, "I rang you to tell you that Eleana and I were gonna stop over. You must of been away from your phone because I got your voice mail."

Or I could have been obnoxiously dancing with Harry. But hey, if he thinks differently, I'm not going to admit the truth. That would be embarrassing.

"Oh, sorry. I was playing music and probably didn't hear it. Your my best friend, Ni, I don't mind you stopping over," I say, not admitting the whole truth.

Silence forms between us. Where the hell is Harry?

"Harry, get your butt down here!" I yell at him.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist!" Harry calls back.

"Shut up!" I reply. I could hear the quiet chuckles around me.

"Whatever you say, Miss Mafoamie."

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not up-to-date on all the fandoms," I return.

"You should be."

Harry then plops down the stairs, standing next to me.

"Any ideas for the day?" Eleanor asks.

" I'm taking Bella ....somewhere so... "

Harry trails off.

"Niall and I are going out too, but maybe later!" Eleana says in a perky voice.

"Any good places to look into?" Louis asks, draping his arm on Eleanor's waist.

"Niall and I used to go to this ice cream shop, not to far away. I could give you the address if you want," I suggest, shrugging my shoulders.

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