Chapter 2: Disease

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Maka looked up at the school, watching as her father worked with the other Death Scythes to fix the hole of the Death Room. She followed closely behind Soul, who was yawning, tears brimming his eyes from lack of sleep. They hadn't gotten to bed until late because Maka accidentally burned dinner.

"Maka!" a familiar voice called from behind them. The meister turned around to face her pink headed friend.

"Crona!" Maka greeted, tackling the newcomer in a hug. "You been good on your own?" Her friend nodded, smiling from embarrassment.

Soul looked back to them, his white bangs loosely hanging in front of his red eyes. The headband wasn't holding too good today. He kept his hands in his pockets as Maka and Crona talked, walking towards the entrance to the school.

A loud "yahoo" rang throughout the air, followed by Black Star who appeared out of nowhere and looked to Soul.

"Are you ready?" He asked. Soul smiled his sharp, toothy grin and nodded. The two of them hesitated and charged towards the doors, knocking Crona over.

"Assassin--" Black Star began but was immediately interrupted by a harsh Maka Chop to the head. He twitched from the pain as he held his head. Soul took that chance to speed towards the door.

"Soul!" Maka yelled once she helped Crona up, Ragnarok rubbing his fists on both sides of the nervous boy's face.

By the time 8:00 rolled around, Maka, Soul, Crona, Black Star, and Tsubaki sat in their seats, Dr. Stein sitting in the front as he began his dissection on another creature. Kid, Liz, and Patty wandered in and took their seats. Patty immediately began to talk to a distracted Liz about Mr. Giraffe and Kid was obsessing over how symmetrical the creature was.

"Maka, Soul, Black Star, and Tsubaki, Lord Death wants to see you," Stein said, interrupting his own lecture, thirty minutes in.

The four listed students got up and headed towards where Lord Death was residing as his room was fixed. They stood in front of the mirror and Maka dialed the number, allowing him to show up.

"Maka!" he cheered when he saw who was there. "Long time, no see."

"Hello," she greeted politely. "Dr. Stein said that you wanted to see us?"

"Yes, actually," he nodded. "There's a job in London that i've appointed you four to do. I found that it fits to your profile."

Maka and her teammates stood on the streets of London. Lord Death had warned them about the lingering madness that had begun affecting people and that they had to tread carefully.

Maka stiffened as a scuttle of running footsteps appeared behind her.

"What's the matter, Maka?" Tsubaki asked when she noticed the meister's hesitation.

"Nothing," Maka shook her head and sped up to catch up with them.

The madness was like a disease here. It seemed to bite at the edges of her mind as she looked around, the sounds of slithering snakes ringing in her ears.

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