Chapter One

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Standing outside at two a.m. gave me the creeps. Now I could feel a chill crawl my spine, but suppressing it-like always-I stood my ground and acted brave. 

"Chloe. Would you calm down? This is too easy. If anyone tries to do anything I'll karate-kick their ass. Plus, you know me! You're my best friend, and by you being my best friend it means that I'll never let anyone hurt you," I attempted to reassure her obviously frazzled nerves.  

Glancing at her from the corner of my eyes, I examined her features. She was pale and thin, but her curvy figure normally drew peoples attention away from that. Chloe's hair was long and waving in certain areas but a rare deep shade of red that highlighted her bright and welcoming emerald green eyes. She reminded me of Dorothy whenever she wore her hair in two longs braids (that is if Dorothy's hair was red). Plus her unusually unblemished features made me admire my best friend ever more.  

Right now she had on a jade green sweat suit with a black tank top underneath and it looked so good on her! Not only was she exceptionally gorgeous but she was super smart. In every class of her life she has never had anything lower than a ninety percent which meant she had straight A's.  

Chloe had every teacher giving her a thumbs up, or recommendations for future colleges. Of course she takes up every offer she can and stays up still five in the morning figuring out which is the best. Finally she decided that she didn't want to decide and that she is going where I'm going. That's if any college accepts me.  

My best friend knew that'd I go somewhere great one day and do something wonderful for the whole world but she might just be messing around with me. Chloe knows things though and her overly active intuition tells her these things. Yep, if you're wondering what I mean, I'm saying Chloe's psychic. She has been since she was five, when we first met. And she's never been wrong. Not once.  

It started one day when we had first talked to each other and she had been a lonely kindergartener. No one liked her because she talked about vampires coming out of hiding and ghosts on rampage and crazy stuff that shouldn't fit into a five year olds imagination. When she told me though, I believed her. I don't know how or why but that, even now I can sense that she's right.  

Hell, she had been right then. About seven years ago when we were nine, everyone started going crazy. One night people started fires and burned down houses, killed, stole, crime rate was through the roof. It turned out that the next day on the news people were doing this because people vampires had shown themselves to us humans.  

Humans all over were throwing riots, talking of killing off the species, thinking of how to solve this new problem. But where there are haters there are lovers because people were also throwing parties, welcoming them into their households, talking of peace with their kind. Humanity itself had seemed to be tipping over until something very strange happened.  

One of the vampires-their leader came forward. He was as every vampire novelist anticipated. A gorgeous being with power so great you could feel it from twenty or thirty feet away. This super beings name was Drew. Not the most impressive or the most exotic name but he himself looked like a young twenty year old. Drew reminded humans when we questioned his name and appearance that over time names and attires change. 

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