Chapter 3- Bad Ass Friends

Start from the beginning

"Go for it, babe," He chuckled.

"Tool,” I yawned loudly before falling back asleep.


After a really long, nice nap, I opened my eyes to the late summer daylight streaming into my room. Rolling around in my bed, I realized that Asher wasn't here with me anymore. I sat up, spotting myself in the mirror with bed head. Whoa, I do look scary. I got up, brushing my hair and putting it into a pony tail, as I walked downstairs.

A soft voice was talking and I instantly knew it was Asher's. He sounded like he was on the phone or talking to himself, which he does a lot of.

"I stayed home with Kimmy..... Yeah so.... Umm, I don't thi- 'Cause it's none of you damn business....OK, no I wasn't you, happy now, gees Tiff.... Do it 'cause I know you won't!... OK than I'll do it, Tiffany we're through. Don’t call me again, Okay. Bye, have a nice life."

I walked into the kitchen as he groaned, throwing his phone on the counter swearing. Tiffany is- was his girlfriend. With that phone call, I'm guessing that was their little two minute break- up session. Girlfriend is actually too much of a committed word for their relationship. Sex buddies is the best term. They were each other’s go-to when they needed… well, fill in the blank.

Asher went through “girlfriends” like he went through gum. It’s disgusting. I think I'm being fully serious and accurate to say that at one point he had two girlfriends at once. His brilliant response was, "Oh, I have another girlfriend already?" That was only last year. It was a pretty face palm moment.

Smart best friend I've got here, huh? I leaned against the kitchen wall staring at his back, waiting for him to turn around and catch me here, but I got a way better reaction. When he turned around finding me behind him, his reaction was like he just saw a scene from The Last Exorcism.

"Fu- Kimmy, that's not funny!" He scowled, pointing at me angrily.

“I'm laughing!" I proved, giggled at him.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

 “How long have you been single and Tiffany free?" Yeah that's right, I went there. The one thing is Asher really doesn’t care.

"Stalker! Eavesdropping, now are we,” He snorted.

"This is my house! I can be wherever I want, whenever I want." I commented, walking over to him and poking his chest hard.

"Oh really!" He replied, holding onto my wrist.

"Yes, really! Now, go cook me some breakfast!" I ordered, pushing him.

"Umm, its lunch time sweetheart; get with the program," He mocked, laughing at me.

"Whatever breakfast, lunch, dinner, tomato tomàto; go cook."

"What am I, your chief? Hell no, get your lazy ass to cook something for me!"

"I did! Last night! You remember those brownies, right? You know the ones you ate without me!” I reminded him.

 “OH those brownies,” He remembered guiltily. "I'll cook."

"Thought so," I smirked, smacking his ass as he went to the stove.

After a shortly horrible lunch and ending up having to order pizza because Asher doesn't think that pasta doesn't need stirring, we sat on the couch and watched some T.V., with stuffed tummies.  By the time I had woken up, it was a little past eleven o’clock, though I could have gone back for the end of the day it’s not like I needed to go to lunch, free study, or physics. Well, I did need physics, but one day shouldn’t harm my already pointless brain.

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