"I assumed my invitation got lost in the mail," Grayson shared a smirk. If he looked around, he would see there were only women here. Even if we were talking, he still would not have been invited. "You're having my baby. I can't give you a gift?"

I snatched the gift from his hands, walking over to the table that was toppling over with gifts. "You don't get to do this. You don't just get to show up at my baby shower uninvited and unannounced. Get out." My reaction struck those listening by surprise. To the naked eye he looked harmless. But they're not aware of the dangers that come with Grayson Astor. He's not a victim.

"I just want to talk," he remained composed.

"I don't care what you want. If you want to talk, you can wait outside until I'm done. You're not going to ruin my baby shower by just showing up like this," I pointed to the door.

His chest lifted up and down when his hand went into his pocket. He looked at me so innocently, almost like he wasn't aware of all the troubles he's caused me. My life has never been stressful until I met him. This is supposed to be a stress free time, yet that's all he's caused me. I'm going to start balding.

"If you want me to wait outside, I'll wait outside, love," he agreed which I did not expect. He's normally a prideful person and wouldn't allow me to talk to him like this. But here he is, allowing me to lecture him and using endearments. Fuck. "Let me know when you're ready," he exited the hall with his head down.

I ran my hand through my hair as I took a deep breath, trying to get myself back in the headspace I was previously in. I am not letting him ruin my baby shower. I am going to rightfully shove him to the back of my head.

"Alright. Let's start games, shall we?" I put on a smile for everyone to see I wanted to move past the scene that just occurred.

I wanted to turn my feelings off, but I couldn't. The rest of my baby shower, I could not stop thinking of the man outside this hall who was waiting to speak with me. I dreaded the conversation but it was all I could think about. I couldn't even enjoy my own baby shower. My one and only baby shower.

"Maybe you should bring him some cake?" Ariana kindly suggested, for some reason showing Grayson concern when she shouldn't have.

"No," I sliced into my vanilla cake, putting slices on different plates to be served.

"I think you're being a little bit harsh, Kalani," Taya used a fork to eat her cake. If they knew the emotional rollercoaster he's put me through, they wouldn't all be defending him. My entire pregnancy hasn't been rainbows and flowers.

Slicing a piece of cake, I grabbed a fork then headed through the hall to go outside. Grayson was leaned against the building while involved in a phone call that he ended when I arrived. He waited. He stood outside for two hours to speak to me. Extending my arm, I offered him cake he happily took.

"You look good," his eyes took inventory of my body in my dress. But he took his time staring at my stomach he was eager to touch. "These are for you." It was a bouquet of peonies which are my favourite flowers.

I took the bouquet from him, taking a small sniff.

"How's my baby?" His free hand went over my belly because he couldn't help himself. My lip quivered, struggling to hold back my tears.

I miss Grayson. I miss him rubbing my belly. I miss his annoying rants. I miss his short temper and lack of patience. I miss his grumpy self and it's only been three days. I miss him making time for me and making me feel special.

"How did you know where I was?" I never told him where my baby shower was being held.

"Don't worry about how I know," he ate the cake in hand.

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