Chapter 29: Sick Day

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Just before this starts I chose a random song. I am a fan of NF. Play it whenever you want to. Or don't.

Lui's POV
So, y/n is sick today. All of us have been taking care of her. We all have jobs. Evan has to make the food for her. Marcel has to give her drinks. Jonathan has to give her tissues. Craig checks her temperature. Brian makes sure she's not alone. Brock entertains her. Tyler cleans up her messes. Nogla gives her medicine. And I make sure she's alright at all times.

"Evan where's the soup?" Y/n asked weakly.

"It'll be there soon." Evan responded. He finished the soup.

"Here I'll take it to her." I offered.

"Thanks." He said. I nodded and grabbed the soup.

"I know I'm sick but I know you aren't Evan." She said. I laughed.

"Well here." I said handing her the soup.

"Thanks." She said before sneezing.

"Bless you. Jonathan get the tissues." I said.

"You guys don't have to do this. I'm not like at the E.R." She said. I laughed again.

"We want to do this." I said. She shook her head and took a bite of her soup.

"And I thank you for helping me." She said. I smiled. Jonathan came in with the tissues.

"Here you go." He said.

"Than-" she was cut off by a sneeze.

"No problem and bless you." He said. I went out of the room and after I shut the door I heard a sound of puking.

"Tyler!" I yelled.

"I got it!" He yelled back. I went into the kitchen and saw Evan cooking something else.

"What are you cooking?" I asked.

"I'm cooking her a quick pizza." He said. I nodded and went to Marcel.

"Ginger tea." He said quickly.

"I didn't ask." I said laughing.

"Whatever." He said. When they finished they went to y/n's room with their concoctions.

"Craig what's her temperature?" Brock yelled.

"Uh. Hold on." He said.

"It's getting lower! She's at 102°!" He said. Good she's getting better. We all heard a loud cough.

"Nogla get the medicine!" Evan yelled.

"Brock, she's getting sad entertain her!" Marcel said. They rushed into her room.

"Your wife is terribly sick." Tyler said.

"I know! It's so sad too.." I said in my squeaker voice. We both laughed.

"Brian your turn!" Brock yelled. Brian ran across the room to her room.

"Craig are you sure she's at 102°?" He yelled.

"Here let me try again." Craig said. Everyone came into the room. Craig put the thermostat in her mouth.

"She's at..." he started to say. He pulled it out.

"97.6°?!" He said.

"How?!" I yelled.

"Guys." Y/n said.

"Yeah y/n?" We all said.

"Can I tell you something?" She said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Something." She said and slowly closed her eyes.

"God damnit y/n" we said laughing. I'm glad she's feeling better.


Forget The Past and Think about the Present: A Lui Calibre x Reader fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now