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"Scary hottie, two o'clock." Octavia murmured in Clarke's ear, hot breath tickling her neck. Clarke craned her neck quickly, eyes softening as she took in the leather clad angel she'd been fantasizing about for the last three months. Today she wore her signature black leather jacket, a black tank, pants so tight Clarke wondered if they were sown on her and black combat boots.

Clarke was totally smitten by this girl, Lexa, as her friend had called her once, and would stare at her every Friday, when she came to buy candles at six o clock, like a schedule. She never bought less than five candles and Clarke wondered how she managed to burn through them so quickly. She didn't complain though and even though they had never spoken, she often ogled the brunette from either behind the register, or stocking her candles.

"You've got a little drool there, Griff." Raven teased, appearing next to the blonde. "Might want to clean it before you talk to her." Clarke glared at her and turned back to Lexa. Raven and Octavia eyes met over her head and they rolled them simultaneously. Clarke had been thirsting for the girl since forever and Raven was getting tired of her pathetic gawking eyes. Octavia agreed with her and the two friends often planned on ways to get both women together. They had tried several of them and they often ended up with Clarke breaking so many candles or Clarke almost being stabbed or Clarke needing stiches-actually most of them ended with Clarke being hurt.

"Just fucking ask her out already." Octavia said.

"Are you crazy? No, no. I'm not going to ask her out!" Clarke protested, turning to her friends, although she stayed looking at the brunette from the corner of her eye. Lexa stood next to candles, her perpetually angry friend scrolling through her phone. "I've never spoken to her and I'm pretty sure she's dating that blonde." Raven scoffed.

"If she is, then I owe her a huge apology." Clarke and Octavia looked at her in question. "I fucked her at this frat party two weeks ago." She shrugged, smirking. Clarke shook her head, a little jealous that Raven got laid so quickly and easily.

"You see!" Octavia elbowed Clarke, hurting her ribs. Clarke hissed, glaring at her. "She's single! Now you have no excuse! You haven't dated anyone or fucked someone since Niylah. I'm pretty sure you've got cobwebs down there."

"Hey!" Clarke protested, not budging, she paused. "What if she's straight?"

"Do you see the way she's eyefucking you? No way she's straight." Raven said, Clarke licked her lips, head turning towards Lexa. Her heart stuttered in her chest as she caught Lexa's eyes on her. Clarke wouldn't say she was eyefucking her but she was definitely staring intently. Her blonde friend stood next to her, she leaned down and whispered into her ear, a small frown on her face. Lexa turned to her and rolled her eyes, turning away from Clarke. Clarke breathed out once, turning to her two friends who raised their eyebrows at the same time.

"You need to stop doing that. It scares the shit out of me." Clarke protested.

"Do what?" they said at the same time, smirks on their lips. Clarke shook her head.

"Whatever. You guys need to bang before your heated stares cause something or someone to be set on fire." Raven pressed her hand to Clarke's shoulder. "Do I need to remind you that we work in a candle store?" she twisted her head in what was supposed to be sympathetic manner and Clarke shrugged her off.

"Also, Indra isn't here, you can use the back office. We won't tell." Octavia added.

Her whole face was flushed as she imagined Lexa leaning over in the back office's desk. She took her apron off, tossing it in Raven's face. "I'm taking my break, you bitches can take over the cash register." She walked away to a flurry of badly hidden laughs and a flushed face. All Clarke needed to do was get out of the store, not talk to Lexa or even breathe near her, she knew her two idiotic friends would tease her mercilessly.

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