I Found - Amber Run

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They met at an investor gala for an up and coming art studio. Clarke stood near a piece of her surrealism series she'd been working on since before the gala. Marcus had wanted her to make something that would really blow away their potential investors and it seemed to be working. She hadn't stopped talking for nearly half an hour as people came up to her and asked about the meaning behind her piece.

Lexa was leaning against the bar watching her surroundings. She had a knack for reading people and chose to listen and watch before approaching anyone. It was a strategy she had learned from her father. Learn before you act, you can tell what people really want when they aren't paying attention. He had been right of course, he was always right. A man couldn't build up a company as big as Woods Inc., if he wasn't calculating and maybe a little manipulative.

But Lexa wasn't really watching anyone in that moment. No, she was nursing a whiskey and coke after downing a shot of vodka. This just wasn't her night and she hated having to be out calculating and manipulating when she felt like she should be at home crying or screaming about all of the things that were stressing her out.

Why did we have to have a fight tonight of all nights? She mused and ran her finger over the rim of her glass before sighing. She shouldn't be thinking about her personal affairs while trying to make business deals. Costia would have to wait until after this idiotic gala was over and they could sit down and talk.

Lexa lifted her head and glanced around at the socializing crowd of rich people. Why did she always feel like she wasn't one of them? They were all laughing politely and smiling dazzlingly while trying to get the best of the best for the minimum amount of money. It kind of disgusted her, which made her a hypocrite because she did the exact same thing.

She liked to think that she had a mask she used when she was in work mode. She wasn't Lexa Woods when she was working, no she was Alexandria who needed to do what was best for her company, no matter how much it hurt the real her. She would scam, lie and cheat if she had to because this was her father's legacy, she had to do everything in her power to make it successful after his retirement.

With another grumpy sigh she downed the last of her drink and placed the glass on the table. She allowed her eyes to wander over to where the artists were set up and they fell upon brilliant blonde hair and a set of very exposed cleavage. She wasn't trying to check out the girl, but she couldn't help it. The low cut blouse and the tight fitting slacks hugged all of the right places and Lexa found herself entranced by the way pink lips moved as they spoke.

She tried to widen her view and yank her eyes away, but there was very little desire to do so. I'm not hurting anyone, I'm only looking.

The artist across the room was engrossed in a conversation with a well-dressed man who held a flute of champagne in his right hand. Lexa couldn't see his face because he was angled away and down towards the shorter blonde but her attention wasn't really on him. The girl was beautiful with an easy smile and gestured her hands adamantly as she spoke.

Her eyes were bright with relaxed happiness that Lexa envied. She was beautiful and happy and passionate about her work. A whirl of something stirred in Lexa's stomach as she watched the blonde laugh, she couldn't help the smile that curved her lips when she saw it. The joy in the other girl was intoxicating.

Lexa's eyes trailed back down the artist's body as she turned, checking her out as she did so. She was a little surprised to see a large cut out in the middle of the blouse, exposing pale white shoulder blades and back. Lexa swallowed at the sight, suddenly finding her throat dry as she imagined tracing patterns over the soft-looking skin.

She couldn't allow her eyes to travel any lower because the girl was turning around. Lexa's eyes snapped up to that face again and suddenly found a pair of eyes on hers. At some point the man had left and the artist had been left there alone and she'd caught Lexa staring.

Now, azure stared into jade and both of them knew they were in for a rollercoaster ride.

That was the first night they'd met. Actually, it was a night of firsts for both of them. It was Lexa's first time with another woman and it was Clarke's—that was the beautiful artist's name—first time since her break up. Neither of them knew what they were doing, they were drunk on each other and too caught up to really think about it.

They both got caught up in the feeling of meeting someone that was genuinely interested in what the other had to say. They clicked almost instantly. Maybe it was the alcohol or the giddy feeling or the shimmering beauty of Clarke's hair in the moonlight or the way Lexa looked at Clarke like she was the only person in the world.

But suddenly they found themselves seeking comfort in each other's arms and Clarke found herself asking the question before she could think about it, "Your place or mine?"

Lexa felt the briefest twist of guilt and fear of what she was about to do but let her desire cloud her better judgement. She wasn't CEO of Woods Inc. right now, she was Lexa Woods and Lexa Woods wanted Clarke Griffin more than she wanted anything else in that moment.


They developed something of a routine after that. They didn't talk much when they were together and found that not doing so was much preferred. There was a silent agreement between them that if they didn't talk about what they were doing—which was sleeping together—then they could keep doing it.

Sometimes they would go days without seeing or speaking, but they would always gravitate back. Whether it was for comfort, to forget about their everyday lives or if it was just because they missed each other—which they would never admit to.

Besides the occasional rendezvous at fancy hotel rooms that Lexa insisted on paying for they didn't see each other. They went about their normal lives as if nothing was different.

Lexa went back to Costia feeling a little remorseful, but not much, especially when they had one of their arguments. She went about her daily business at Woods Inc. and continued to invest in small, upcoming businesses in their local community. She was a giver, not a taker like her father sometimes was. Giving to the community and helping it grow was the one thing she could do that was purely Lexa and had nothing to do with her position or family name.

Clarke went back to her apartment that she shared with Octavia, even though Octavia was rarely there because she spent so much time with Raven nowadays. But she went back anyway, and normally up to the extra space they both deemed Clarke's studio. She would paint and draw because whenever she was with Lexa she itched to create something that would remind her of the girl she would never be able to have. At least, not completely.

That's what they did for nearly six months. Clarke didn't talk about Lexa. Lexa didn't talk about Clarke. They met up when they felt lonely or stressed and then they went their separate ways again. But in those hours that they were together, those magical moments of bliss and tranquility, they were whole. They could survive off of those residual feelings for as long as possible.

It was after those six months that things changed. Something shifted in both of them and for the first time, they met somewhere outside of their hotel room

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