Is this really happening?

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"Are we there yet?" Jasper asked.

To which Raven replies from behind the wheel "Jas, darling, if you ask one more time, I will hang you from your balls." She smiles and gives him a wink through the rear view mirror. He visibly pales and gulps.

Monty snickers beside him. Lexa, who's riding shot gun just grunts. Grunts, below the sunglasses perched on her nose.

"Hey now Commander, don't get your panties in a twist. I know you don't like being away from Clarke for long but she's literally in the car behind us." Octavia chastised.

"O, what does that even mean? It's just hot, okay? I wanna get out of this tin can you call a car." She huffed, her brows knit together.

Jasper and Monty both house incredulous on their faces at Lexa's sly denial. And O, she just smirks and shakes her head.

"Whoa, whoa, tin can?! This car is my baby. You saw this get built from scratch." Raven faked offence, but truly she was proud of this tin can, she had built it herself, scrounging parts for the model and working day and night in the garage until her labours bore fruit. "I know you're Clarke deprived but don't worry I have a plan for when we get there."
Raven glanced sideways, looking at her as if she was about to bless the earth.

Lexa chose to stay silent after that, suspicious of her friend but also to stop their teasing. She turned on the radio and it babbled local news in between pop songs. She didn't sing along like the others, no, usually she would hum. However, Lexa was not in the mood. All this teasing about her undeniable infatuation with one of her friends is getting out of control; she fears the others might let it slip to the blonde and blow her cover.

It started off innocent. A bond created through the years, solidified by secrets about first loves, and heartbreaks, first times, and biggest mistakes. I suppose anyone could fall in love with all of that in play. Really though, anyone could fall in love with Clarke Griffin. Lexa's cause was hopeless, all the things just made sense to Lexa, add on top of that the fact that Clarke is perfect. Perfect. She's the type of personality that would light up a room, she was genuinely nice to the point that it was suspicious because no one could be that kind, she wore this trademark smile and glint of mischief. In those eyes, Clarke. So blue, like the, like the sky from which angels fall from. Oh Clarke. She had kissed Lexa before but those times don't count, they were always on dares, that however did not stop Lexa from enjoying them.

Lexa was snapped out of her thinking when the car stopped abruptly, jolting her forward, she glares at Raven.

"Sorry, the break is a little stiff. I couldn't afford a new disk so..." Raven excused.

Jasper was first out of the car, dramatically lifting both arms in the air and breathing in deeply the humid Florida air.

The rest came out too, beginning to unpack the suitcases and bags from the back, all while giving their first impressions of the hotel. They were shortly followed by a red truck driven by Bellamy, parking it behind Raven's. He tooted his horn and caused Jasper who had his head in the boot to jump and hit his head.

"Fuck, Blake, why?!" He cursed in over acted agony.

Bellamy, Lincoln, and Murphy stepped out of the jeep and began unpacking. Clarke was the last one out. She stepped out and the wind blew, like in those cheesy films, the wind blew and it sent her hair flowing, as if in slow motion.

Lexa was staring, unapologetic. Her mouth was slightly agape and the bag in her hand slipping from her grips. Raven nudged her ribs, pulling Lexa back to reality and out of the dream world she would enter whenever she laid eyes on the blonde.

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