Accidental Date

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Clarke fumbled with the vibrating and offensively loud cell phone, nearly dropping the stack of books in her hand. I really need to invest in a backpack, she thought whilst muttering curses and struggling over to a bench in the quad.

Her books landed on the concrete with a thud as she finally managed to slide her thumb over the answer button without looking at the caller. "Hello?" She huffed in annoyance, keeping the phone shoved between her shoulder and ear so her hands were free. She struggled to stack her books, notebooks and papers back together, stuffing her pencil between her teeth.

"Hey, Clarke. It's Lexa. I know you're on your way to Human Developmental Studies so I wanted to call and tell you I'll pick you up from work tonight." The soft crackle of the voice on the other end seemed to settle Clarke's nerves almost instantly. She stopped messing with her books and shifted the phone so she could hold it.

"What? You're not coming to the mall that late! I'll just have Niylah or something drive me." She glanced at her watch, she had six minutes before she needed to be in class. She deduced that she could use a couple to talk to her neglected friend.

Clarke heard the little noise of frustration from the other end. She knew I would be difficult. Lexa always seemed to know what Clarke was going to do before she did it.

"Clarke Griffin, I am picking you up from work tonight. Would it sweeten the deal if I promised dinner?"

"Only if it's Chinese."

"The little buffet place off of Goldenrod?"

Clarke bit her lip, already thinking about their amazing egg rolls, "Please?"

"Of course."

Suddenly remembering her anatomy test tomorrow Clarke groaned, "Wait, I don't think I can. I need to study for this test tomorrow."

"Of course you do," Lexa chuckled good naturedly, "I'll help you study."

"Lex, I can't ask you to do that. That's no fun for you." Clarke pouted and glanced around her sunny surroundings. Campus was busy and the quad was full of students eating their lunches. Clarke relaxed back into the seat, closing her eyes and basking in the warmth of the sun. The weather was beginning to chill as Thanksgiving rolled in and Clarke wasn't looking forward to it. She loved the warmth and the heat too much.

Static echoed through her cell phone and for a second she thought she'd lost Lexa until she spoke again, "Clarke, it is fun for me. I've been seriously neglected and haven't gotten my artist fix in like...a thousand years."

Clarke laughed, "Lexa, I haven't seen you in three days."

"That's practically three thousand years. Now you're having dinner with me and it's almost your birthday. Please let me help you?"

Clarke could mentally draw a picture of Lexa's pouty face. The way her gorgeous garnet green eyes shown and grew wider, like a much cuter version of Puss in Boots. She could feel herself caving even without being able to see her, "Stop making that face."

"What face?" Clarke could hear the grin as Lexa fiend innocence and couldn't help the stupid smile that spread across her own face.

"You know what I'm talking about, it makes me weak."

"Well, then I guess that's a good thing." God, Clarke could hear the smirk now. "Now answer me. I don't want to be sitting outside of the mall and getting stood up."

"Fine, fine. I'll see you tonight. I get off at 8:30," Clarke caved.

"Ha! Yes! Raven and Octavia are going to be so jealous!" She was clearly doing her dorky happy dance that consisted of her lanky limbs being thrown every which way as she wiggled her ass in the cutest way possible.

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