Chapter 5: The Library

Start from the beginning

"Thank you and sorry for bothering your class Mr. Longbottom." he said before he walked out. Neville looked as pale as Peeves and looked lost. It was probably because Draco had never told anyone 'Thank you' before. Draco wasn't known to be kind and to say things like 'Thank you' or 'sorry', so it was a shock to everyone. It took Neville five minutes for the shock to wear off. When it did wear off, he smiled at everyone and apologized for dozing.

"Today we will be learning about disarming each-other. I know it sounds really lame, but It can help you if you get in a bad situation, right Herm- uh Miss Granger?" he said. I grinned and gave a simple nod. He was talking about how we first learned disarming spells in Dumbledore's Army. Sighs and cheers were heard around the room, but none objected. After Defense Of the Dark Arts, the rest of the classes went by fast.

Dinner time arrived and I  took my seat next to Ginny.

"So Ginny who are you going to Hogsmeade with?" I asked casually. She smiled and scooped up some mashed potato with her spoon and popped it into her mouth before swallowing.

"I'm going with some girl friends, but don't tell Harry. He'll still get jealous!" she laughed. I couldn't help but laugh too because knowing Harry, he would get jealous. I scooped some mashed potato in my mouth before another note hit my face. I smiled and guessed it was from Draco and opened it. Inside the note were letters cut out from a newspaper and a newspaper article was in there too. I looked at the article and shook in horror.

Pansy Parkinson, previous Slytherin at Hogwarts, has escaped Azkaban. The Ministry of Magic has stated that Pansy left a note saying." She's going to pay for what shes done." Ministry officials are on the search for her and recommend you stay alert.

I looked at the note and decided to read it too. It couldn't be any worse then her being out I thought.
Meet me in the Library if you ever want to see your precious Ron again. And come alone.

I lied. There could be something worse than Pansy being out. It was Pansy being back at Hogwarts, holding a hostage. That hostage just happened to be Ron. I crumpled up the note and threw it on my plate. I got up and Ginny looked at me with a concerned expression.

"I just remembered I forgot Hogwarts: A History in the Library. I've got to go." I said before rushing off to the Library.

I arrived at the Library in no time and looked around. It looked like no one was there, so I strolled around.

"Pansy?" I whispered every 20 seconds, hoping she would show herself. After a couple of minutes, I heard someone.

"Hello Mudblood. How nice of you to drop by." Pansy muttered. A uneasy feeling spread in my stomach, but I ignored it.

"Where's Ron?" I growled at Pansy. She only stared back at me with an evil grin. I took out my wand and pointed it at her. She dropped her grin and put on a face confused expression.

"Ron? I don't believe Ron came to Hogwarts this year." she said. My temper rose and I took a step closer to her and rose my wand to point it in between her eyes.

"Stop playing games with me Pansy. Where's-" I started then stopped. I realized something that made goosebumps spread throughout my body. Ron wasn't here. This was a trap. Horrified, I looked to the door and bolted to it.

"Petrificus Totalus!" she screamed. I fell to the floor and my eyes widened.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" she shouted and I was floating towards her. Terror spread throughout my body and I couldn't do anything. I wanted to scream, shout, fight, anything! I was floating in front of her and chills erupted on my body.

Dramione's 7th year {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now