"Lilly, They need you in the main office" Mr. Tai says

I closed my notebook, stood up and walked out and into the main office

"Lilly how are you?" Mrs. Tai says

"I'm good, I was called down here" I say

"Yes this Sara, she's new here to Poolside, can you show her around?" She asked

"Yeah, Sure" I say

Sara and I walked into the hallway, "I'm Lilly by the way" I say shaking her hand

"Can I see your schedule?" I asked

She hands me her schedule, this is girl taking all advance classes, the only teacher name I recognize is....

"Mr. Fisherman, you and I have the homeroom teacher" I say

"Cool" she says

"And your locker, is like right next to mine, come on I'll show you" I say walking while she followed

I showed her where her locker was, she tried to put her combination in but it wouldn't, so now I'm trying to do it

I notice she's been scaring at me pretty hard, maybe she's looking at how to open her locker, I successfully opened her locker

"I guess I need more practice" she says

"You'll get it" I say getting out her way, as she start to put her stuff into her locker, then I notice everytime she puts something in her locker looks at me, she closed the locker and the bell rang

"What's hour is it next?" She asked

"That's Lunch" I say

"Oh" she says

"Come on I'll introduce to my friends" I grabbed her hand, we skipped through the halls until we reached the cafeteria

I let go of her hand, and runs towards Grayson, he stood up and caught me in a hug, I gave him kiss

I then remembered I was showing a girl around, I walked away from Grayson, I grabbed the girls wrist and walked to my table

"Guys, this S-" I say before I was cut off

"Oh My God, Dolan Twins, Your Lilly From Grayson's Snapchat, your Grayson Dolan's Girlfriend, I knew you looked familiar" Sara says over me

"Your a fan?" I asked

"What?, What Makes you think that?" she scoffs

"Will, you said Grayson's name and last name, and I didn't even introduce him yet" I say

"And when you saw Grayson, your face turned red" Jessica says

"I'm guessing your a Grayson Girl" Emily says

We all look towards Emily

"What?, I'm a Ethan Girl" she smiles

Ethan hugs Emily, with one arm

"Okay, maybe I'm little bit of a fan


Lunch was kinda awkward, Grayson and I couldn't really, be a couple since Sara kept scaring at us, and not like you-have-a-booger-on-face-stare , like your-dating-my-idol-stare

I walk out of bathroom, since I felt nauseas I fixed up my makeup a little bit, I also fixed my hair

I walked out the bathroom, and I bumped into someone and all my notebooks fell

"I'm so sorry" I hear as I drop down to pick up my stuff

"Here let me help" the person say they bend down picking up my stuff as well

I gathered up all my books and notebooks, when the person hands me my ultrasound picture

I freeze not knowing what to do, so I looked up to see a guy, he has brown eyes with dirty blonde hair

" this yours" he asked

I didn't say anything , I just took the ultrasound out of his hand and stuffed it into my book

"I'm Kyle" he introduce himself

"Lilly" I say

We stood there, I know he wants to ask why I have a ultrasound with me, and I'm waiting for him to, but he doesn't

"Well, um I'll see you around" he says walking away

I turn to look at him as he walks away

I make my way to the gymnasium, I still have the class, I've tried to change it but they say I need a parent or guardian to change it for me, and my dad doesn't even want to look at me

But Grayson is working on getting me, a doctors note saying I can't take gym

I walked into the huge classroom, I look at the art on the walls, Poolside Sharks!

I walk to the girls gym teacher, she look at me with the same, look everyday

"Let me guess, no gym clothes?" She asked

I nod pursing my lips

"You can borrow some, but you have to walk the track while everyone else plays soccer" she says

I nod my head

I walked into the girls locker to, while everyone else was walking out, I picked a oversized tee and jogging pants

I went into the bathroom stall that's connected in the girls locker room, I changed and put my stuff in my gym

I walked out the girls locker room, and followed everyone else outside to the field, I started walking the track while everyone started playing soccer

I looked around the neighborhood, the trees, the houses until a soccer ball hit me on my back

"Ouch!" I yell out

"Sorry about that, these guys don't know how to play soccer"

I turn around to see the guy from earlier, Kyle

"Wow, we run into each other again" he says

I didn't say anything

He kicked the ball back to the game, and started catching up to me

"I didn't want to ask you this but why do you have a ultrasound in your notebook?" He asked

"I don't think that's any of your business" I say

"I know its not but I'm really curious" he says

I didn't say anything

"are you pregnant?" He asked

"No" I lied

"You know your a terrible liar" he laughs

"No I'm not" I say

"Yes you are, your nose twitches when you lied" he says

"You don't even know me" I say

"I know your nose twitch when you lie" he says

"My nose doesn't twitch, and I'm not lying I'm not pregnant" I lied

"Whatever you say" he trailed

We continue walking on the track

"So do the baby have a dad?" He asked

I roll my eyes at him


I'm so tired

If you haven't got the news, go read my new book called; Connected



Love, E 💞
Bye Fam

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