Hatred 6 - Home

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After that incident, Karamatsu dare not return home to his brothers. It wasn't like they would actually care anyway, they probably disliked having to spend every second breathing the same air as him. He would often spend days rummaging through trash looking for food, even some that are almost going rotten. As for water, he drinks from the rain or sometimes worse, he would resort to drinking pipe water.

It's not like Karamatsu had no money. He does, but the money was through...something that even he wont sink low to do. Work. Why didn't Karamatsu work?

It was actually the last thing on his mind, to work. What if he started to work and that man is his superior? That... It would mean...


Karamatsu stared at the dirty garbage he called his home. His clothes stinked, his hair frazzled and his throat was hoarse. Eyebags start to form under his eyes as Karamatsu couldn't get any good sleep with the smell of trash and his hunger bothering him all night. However, spending almost weeks with trash... Karamatsu has become used to the smell.

He had not spoken for days and he wasn't going to start talking any soon. Once Karamatsu sat himself down next to a bag of trash, he started to shiver - not because of the cold - and sweating profusely - not because of the heat.

How did he sleep every night? Honestly, he could still feel the pain from before and everytime he took a seat on either a trash bag or the floor, Karamatsu would fidget for a moment before finally sitting down properly.


Karamatsu widened his eyes as his throat runs drier. He swallows hard, even though it hurts and it felt like swallowing a rock, Katamatsu turns around. His eyes caught a purple silhouette that he had not seen in weeks. Still, it was the last person he wanted to see in this miserable state he is in. The person that probably hated him the most and loved watching every second of Karamatsu's suffering.


Was, what Karamatsu tried to say but no voice could come out. His eyes started to water and he really wanted to hug his own brother but... he couldn't find it in him to move his arms at all. Ichimatsu stood rooted to the ground, unable to comprehend the state the blue matsu was in. Sure, he hated Karamatsu's guts but he wouldn't want this happening to anyone. If anything he rather him being in that state instead.

He smiles, before finally fainting face first onto the ground- earning a gasp from the purple matsu.


Ichimatsu rushes toward the fallen matsu and tries to shake him awake- but realizes its of no use. Swinging Karamatsu's body over his shoulder, he turns to his cat form and hops from building to building. Karamatsu smelled so bad that he sort of thought about leaving Karamatsu on a rooftop before bringing a mask from back home to collect his body.

"Uuurk! What the heck is that sme-"

Choromatsu grumbled angrily before his face changing to confusion and finally he started to tear up. He ran towards the two but started to back off as the smell of trash reached his nostrils. Choromatsu covered his nose with arm before walking towards Karamatsu's unconsious body.

"...Karamatsu...I'm so glad he's okay...! ...He stinks bad though..."

Choromatsu whispers quietly as a big smile appears on his face.

"Oh what's the commotion about chororo-....Karamatsu?!"

Osomatsu peeks from behind Choromatsu's back and was stunned by the display in front of him. Bursting into tears, he hugs the three matsus together.

"HE-heyHEY NO!! Karamatsu's dirTY!!! OSOOMATSUUUU!!!!!"

"Heheh! The most important part is Karamatsu being back, Chororo-Chan ♡"

"S-SHUT UP! Quickly get Karamatsu in the tub, Ichimatsu!"

Choromatsu yells, wagging a finger at Ichimatsu.

"ARH? Me?"

Ichimatsu growls but Choromatsu is conpletely unfazed from Ichimatsu intimitation. Pulling Ichimatsu's arm along, Choromatsu brings Ichimatsu and Karamatsu to the bathroom, followed by Osomatsu who's tagging to obsess over how motherly Choromatsu is.

Pushing the blue and purple matsus inside the bathroom, Ichimatsu turns around growling again, but only to have a door slam right in his face.


"You ain't leaving until Karamatsu is throughly cleaned, Ichimatsu!"

Ichimatsu could feel a vein pop from his forehead and he started to shake.



"How cute, Chororo. You are definitely the mother to my children..."

Osomatsu drools and he hugs Choromatsu from behind.

"H-Hey! Don't touch me whenever you like!"

"Ohho? Don't you like it though?"

A smirk appears on Osomatsu's face.


Choromatsu yells as he punches Osomatsu in the face. Osomatsu lands on the floor, his nose covered in blood but he holds up a thumbs up and mumbles,

"Still pretty cute though Chororo..."

"You....You are asking for it...!"


[DISCONTINUED] Hatred Is Such A Strong WordWhere stories live. Discover now