Hatred 4 - Please Don't

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"Anyway, where's Osomatsu? He still owes me money from pachinko!" Choromatsu grumbles as he threw himself onto the sofa. Karamatsu just smiled. He tries hard to control the curl by the corner of his lip down as it was cool not to smile.

Cool guys only smirk!

"...I swear, if he uses the money he owed to bet on horses... He's not sleeping near me tonight!"

"That's what you say everytime, buraza..."

"Ye- uhm, what? What what what? Shut up Karamatsu! Shut up!" Choromatsu suddenly becomes flustered and started to beat Karamatsu up.


"Apology accepted, if. You go find Osomatsu and get his sorry ass back here. Unless..."

"Unle-OW!! I will! I will!"

"Good. I'm going to be late for Nyaa chan's concert so, see you by 4."

Karamatsu, after waiting for a safe forty five minutes just in case if Ichimatsu was outside, left the room and finally out of the house in his leather black jacket and dark shades. Looking around for potential karamatsu girls, he spotted a wild Todomatsu walking with two...Todomatsu girls?!

"Todomatsu!! How are you? How about sharing their names with me, non?" Karamatsu smirked cooly but was greeted with Todomatsu's unfazed expression.

"Who are you?" Todomatsu asks with a blank stare. Without even sparing Karamatsu a glance, he continued to move forward with the two other girls lingering behind him.

"...Huh. I must look cooler today, that's why Todomatsu didn't realize that that it was the great me! Yes, that's totally it!" Karamatsu tries to convince himself of something that Todomatsu is probably blinded by his great presence right now, even though he knows it himself that that is completely bogus.

Karamatsu continued making his way to the horse race track and surprisingly, he found his older brother betting on horses. He should've known that the Oldest NEET would be betting on horses! He ran towards Osomatsu and slipped on a banana peel. As he was falling, he could see himself falling into Osomatsu's arms...


"HRKK! M-My buraza?! You didn't catch my beautiful form?!"

"Oh. I couldn't risk you landing a kiss on me, you know? As you can see, the physics projectile of your body-"


"I do! You just don't know anything about your big brother, Karamatsu." Osomatsu gave his younger brother a toothy grin as he gave him a big thumbs up. Cocky.

"Oh buraza? When was that?" Karamatsu asks as he lowers his shades, hoping to intimidate the older brother even though he knows that Osomatsu is kind of a dick and doesn't fear anything.

"It was when... Look! KARAMATSU GIRL!"

"WHERE?!" Karamatsu swings his body around at the speed of light, only to come face to face with Dayon.


Ah, he tricked me.

Turning around slowly, he hopes that Osomatsu is there, but he isn't. What was he thinking? Osomatsu is the master of lying and Karamatsu... is too naive for his own good.

The corner of his mouth trembled as he stares at the air where Osomatsu used to be.

He isn't there anymore.

Should he be gone, will anyone care about his disappearance?

No way, it happened once before. The happiest being Ichimatsu himself, cheering and jumping for joy when he learnt about Karamatsu's kidnapping. No matter how much he tries to convince himself that his brothers were probably saving the world or earning some cold cash for his ridiculously high ransom, he knew that his brothers were glad that he's gone.

Was he too annoying? Cringeworthy? Disgusting?

Is that why Ichimatsu had punched him too? Was Karamatsu's face so unbearable to the point where he had to resort to violence and punched the daylights out of him?

"Ah." Karamatsu whispered quietly to himself. So quiet that even if anyone had superhuman hearing, they wouldn't be able to hear it either.

"Hey there, you alone?" A deep voice came from Karamatsu's behind. He swung around, hoping it was a woman who somehow had a deep voice but it wasn't.

It was clearly a man wearing something casual, hands shoved into his pockets and hair slicked all the way back. He looked quite like a gangster.

"Karamat- Excuse me?"

"I'll pay you, how about fifty an hour?"

Is...Is he for real?!


"Maybe you're not up for it today? Here's my number, call me when you feel like it." The man winked at the dumbfounded Karamatsu before strolling away.

What just happened?

Karamatsu ain't gay!

That must be the weirdest thing to ever happen to him. Instead of women he somehow attracted...


[DISCONTINUED] Hatred Is Such A Strong WordWhere stories live. Discover now