Chapter 2- Little Bit of Love

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Chapter 2 - Little Bit of Love

I'm at my locker putting all my stuff away to end my day and go home. I'm tired and a bit grumpy; I had just gotten a report to do that was to be a six page paper about famous authors in history, which meant I'm going to have to write about something really stupid, and really boring; and then probably help Asher write his too. I usually don't tend to complain about school and assignments, I just take them and do them because most of the time it's no problem. But it's totally unfair if a teacher assigns one during the middle of the week and expects it due by the end of the week.

I slam my locker shut, turning around to find Asher leaning against the other lockers. "Hello my gorgeous best friend. How was your day?" He asked, kissing my forehead. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, but thought no more of his cheer attitude. Someone had a really good day, who banged him in the bathroom? He's usually not this cheery by the end of the day.

I sigh loudly, as he offers to carry my books. We head out of the school, walking slowly as I explain about my miserable day. "For starters, I have a six page paper to write for English, I still have to study for physics, and on top of all that, I have homework for every class, and I've got a massive headache," I complain, leaning my head against his arm. "I thought people said senior year is easy. I don't see me getting any sleep tonight."

"Aw, I'm sorry you had a miserable day," He said, kissing the top of my head again.

"No you aren't," I murmured.

"No, I'm not," He chuckles. I looked at him and stuck my tongue out. I spot his car and start walking to it, but he spins me around to face him.

"Um, Kimmy, I've got practice." Asher scrunches up his face, looking like he was regretting saying that to me. Asher is always my ride to and from school. Usually I didn't mind staying with him at practice because I become so bored that I'm forced to do homework because there's nothing better to do. Today is just not one of those day.

"Ugh, I completely forgot!" I whined, face palming myself. All I want to do is go home, take some Advil, possibly a nap, and cram in all my homework that is to be done by the end of the night. Mostly I want Advil and a nap, and the metal bleachers aren't a place to take naps.

"Sorry, but I have some Advil and you can do your homework while you wait like you always do," He reminds me.

Good enough deal. I'm defiantly not going to walk home."Fine. Want to give me piggy back ride there," I asked sweetly batting my eyelashes.

"Hey what's this here?" He asks sarcastically poking at my legs, "Oh yeah, functioning legs to walk on. You should use them." I gave him... the smoldering look. Mine is more attractive than Flynn's in Tangled though. "Ugh, fine. Jump on," He mumbled, bending down in defeat so I could get on with ease. Ash has his puppy dog look I can't resist, I have mastered the adorable smoldering look.

I giggle, hopping on his back, twining my hands around his neck and hitching my legs around his waist. I feel kind of bad that he's caring my body weight plus my books, but he's strong enough to carry all this. He is a football player for Christ's sakes, the linebacker are heavier to tackle than me!

"Come on, Knight, pick up the pace. Think of this as a pre-warm up before practice. Move it, move it," I ordered, shouting in his ear being a little encouraging.

He scoffed, "You're kidding me right?"

"Does this look like a kidding face to you? Now movie it, come on pick up those legs!" I coach, hiding the smile on my face that shows I'm kidding, but he can't see it so he believes I'm serious.

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