Chapter 9- Personal Combat

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A/N:Make dat three!

If I thought I was sore yesterday, its nothing compared to today. Zeke managed to make it to breakfast, he looked a bit better. Awake, that is. I couple large bruises have surfaced on my shoulders and arms. My face was spared, luckily. “Where were you last night?” Sara asks, almost suspiciously. “We went to train, and ran into Tyson.” I say defensively. She nods, her mood changing to a fake air of friendliness. “Oh. That’s explains the…” she says, gesturing toward the large bruise on my arm from here I got thrown on the floor. Thanks for pointing that out Sara, it’s really appreciated, I think sarcastically. “Yeah. We won though. Don’t see Jake anywhere.” I say a bit smugly. She smirks, an then says a bit evilly “What’d you do to him?” Why do you want to know? “Zeke pretty much annihilated him. Shauna and I took out Tyson. Four has to pull her off.” “Good.” She says, a flash of something like anger in her eye. This chick might be crazy.

“Today’s the day! We get to start combat matches.” Cunningham says, with a fake excited tone. “Two will be out at the end of the week. So try your best.” Four says. “We will keep track of wins and losses. If you lose to a low ranked opponent, you will lose more points. If you win against a high ranked opponent, you gain them. We don’t reward preying on the weak.” He says poignantly, to Tyson. “The fight ends when someone is too weak to continue, or forfeits.” He says in a matter of fact tone. Cunningham steps away from the whiteboard. “Here are todays matches.”

1.      Jake vs. Sara

2.      Alex vs. Tyson

I cringe. That shouldn’t be allowed. He’s going to kill her.

3.      Brittany vs. Jason

4.      Chase vs. Connor

5.      Liz vs. Kayle

6.      Cal vs. Sam

I size her up. She was the only other Amity transfer. She’s significantly smaller than me, but tough, and muscular. Maybe her kindness will be her weakness.

Sara destroys Jake in a matter of minutes. Then again, he was disabled to begin with, thanks to Zeke. But I can’t watch Tyson and Alex. She’s on the ground within seconds. She doesn’t stand a chance against him, tough as she may be. He is mad, you can see it in his face. She’s fearful. I wonder what broke her. Was it leaving him? Or is it seeing him mad at her? Whatever it may be, he’s uncontrollably angry. She hurt him, I can tell. Now he’s trying to compensate by making her feel weak. Finally, she whimpers a surrender. Four runs up and pulls her out of the ring like a wounded puppy. The look in his eyes is pure fury. He stares down Tyson with an anger I’ve never seen from Four. He sits Alex down in a chair and whispers something to her before standing and circling Tyson’s name with disgust etched on his face. I know he hates Tyson, but why does him hurting Alex have such an effect on him?

I don’t take much note of the other fights. Chase is fast, Kayla’s erudite type strategies allowed her to win. But it’s my turn now. Sara stands at the other corner of the mat, determination on her face. My heart pounds. I really can’t lose this, not if I want to look at all Dauntless. Four blows the whistle. I attack first, knowing it may give me an upper hand. But, faster than I anticipated, she dives to the side and comes up behind me. She snarls and tries an uppercut to my chin. It isn’t very hard to predict and block, and I return with smooth aim toward the side of her head. She’s not prepared for it, and my knuckles connect, hard. She crumples to the ground. I stand back, shocked that its over so quickly. I feel a pang of regret as I look at her on the ground. I barely hear Four say “Cal wins” as I kneel to help her up and out of the ring. Maybe getting it over with could be my advantage.

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