Of Runaways and Stowayas

Start from the beginning

He happily handed me the box as I placed it on my lap.

I looked at my uncle as he nodded happily for me to open it.

I opened it, revealing a training gi that was similar to Uncle Goku's, but it had a few adjustments made to match me.

They were both my size, while the training gi that goes on the outside was bright yellow and had my emblem on the back of it.

The training gi that would be a bit more secure around my body was orange like my shirt and long socks. It all also came along with a pair of new gloves. The gloves were also bright yellow along with my emblem on the top of the gloves.

I was surprised to see this as my Uncle Goku smiled and said, "I decided since you always asked me about my own training gi and how you've actually wanted one, I got you your own personal gi. They're your size along with the measurements of your gloves and both the gi and gloves are made of some strong stuff that can help you repel weak attacks with more ease."

I smiled a bit and said, "Thank you Uncle Goku."

I frowned a bit, while I realized something, as I looked at my missing half right arm and said, "But....I can't...."

He then placed his hand on the top of my head and said happily, "Hey, don't worry. I gave this to you so you can put it on when you want. I'm not going to force you Yang. When you yourself know that your ready, you'll be able to put it on."

He ruffled up my hair gently and said, "And look Yangtastic as ever!"

He laughed happily, as I smiled with tears in the side of my eyes and I then hugged my uncle and said, "Thank you Uncle Goku. I appreciate it, a lot."

He hugged me back and said, "No problem. Just always remember, I'll never let anything happen to you and your sister."

I dried up my tears, as I got up from my bed and pulled out a box I had on the top of a shelve.

I got it and placed it on my bed.

I pulled out of the box my orange training gi, my pair of yellow gloves with my emblem on the top, and finally my bright yellow training gi with my emblem on the back of it.

I looked at my emblem, as I then said to myself while clenching my fist, "You've always been someone to never go against your promises Uncle Goku. Now, it looks like it's my turn to make a promise to you."

I felt another hit of hallucinations, as I saw Adam Taurus's mask again.

I fell on the floor panting and sweating, as I then got back up slowy.

I sat down on my bed as I felt like I couldn't do it, but I looked at my gi and said to myself while looking out the window, "Patience. That's all I need."

Blake P.O.V

The sun seemed to be setting a bit.

The wind blew thru my hair, as I was looking towards the sun, while I stood in front of the guard rail of the ship I was on.

I wore my new gear, as I had long black boots with my emblem on them as they went up to my thighs.

I wore a new white coat that went down to my ankles, a black top with four strips forming into two X's along with it wrapping around my neck, black pants with a white belt that has two tiny purse like holsters, my weapon strapped on my back, and of course, my bow.

I was just minding my own business, as I heard someone walking behind me and I then turned around quickly readying my weapon.

It was the captain of the ship, he lifted his hands up and said, "Whoa there little lady. Didn't mean to startle you. Just thought you'd need some company."

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