Imagine the pain away.

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       I wanted to get over everything I was feeling, and plus my mother would be coming home soon. I wasn't looking forward to it at all.

I didn't know what I was doing but I fucking got myself into it. I stopped by the trap, late at night. I was looking for a release. Something different. Not anything that Mack and Ray could give me.

I walked in the see our friends, AJ and Wayne. AJ was cute. Very tall and light skin. He was mixed with Puerto Rican and white. He had long hair and always wore it in a curly ponytail. He had a nice smile too, cant find many like those over here.

Wayne was cool. We used to be close but I don't know what happened. I guess we just faded away. He was medium height and was kind of dark skin. He was half Indian. Short curly hair, and had a strong Brooklyn accent. He wasn't from here.

They sat on the living room couch, chillin' on their phones. "Wassup?" I asked as I walked in and gave em daps. "Just coolin', same old shit." Wayne exclaimed. I nodded my head. "Hey AJ, wanna talk for a second?" I asked him.

He got up and met me outside. "What's good Kar?" He asked me. "Lets get high." I toled him.

"What you want? Weed?" He asked. "No," I started, "Something stronger."

He looked me right in my eyes. Kind of confused, and hesitant. "You know, something to take the edge off. So I can imagine the pain away.." I told him looking down at my Jordan's.

"You serious?" He asked. I nodded my head. I knew AJ was like the king of heroine. That's exactly what I wanted.

"Alright I got you. You live by Cambridge right?" He asked.

I nodded again. "Ight, I'll bring it to you in an hour or so." He said.

"Thank you." I said to him as he nodded and made his way back inside.

I walked back home to my dad smoking a blunt on the couch. Typical Mekai. He waved at me and I made my way upstairs to wait for AJ to show up.

"Karly!" Pops yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Yes." I said.

"Somebody's here for you, and I'm stepping out for a while, need sum?" My father asked me. I shook my head no and opened the door for AJ.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Wassup." He replied.

He followed me upstairs to my room. "Good so I'm not doing this alone?" I said, and we both laughed.

"Of course not, not for your first time." AJ said to me.

We plopped on my bed. "Alright lets do this." I said.

He got out 4 needles. He handed me one, and got himself one. I closed my eyes and quickly injected myself. As I was drifting off I head AJ say, "Don't get too hooked." And started laughing.

I came back feeling like super woman. I felt like I was somewhere I never was. A place that actually looked fun to be at. Not a place that I had no choice but to stay. I liked it.

We laughed and had fun and kept on injecting. "Alright all gone." He said to me. I was so high right now I couldn't even think.

Next thing I knew, AJ was touching me, feeling on me. Kissing my neck, and rubbing my inner thighs. I enjoyed it actually. All thoughts of Mack rapidly ran through my head. At this point I didn't give a shit.

He kissed me and I kissed back. I felt under his shirt, kisses his neck, and his abs. He started to take off his clothes, and mine too. I was so gone by then.

That was the last thing that I remembered. I woke up with the sun in my face. It was actually really aggravating. I rolled over to see AJ naked, and me just in his t-shirt. The signs are clear as hell, we fucked. But, this was so bad. I mean it was good and all but what about Mack?

I arms started to itch, where I used the heroine. I tried my best not to think about it but its all I think about now, I need more.

"Mack." I nudged him until he woke up. He yawned.

"What time is it?" He asked me.

"Time for you to leave. My mom's coming home later, and you gotta go before my dad sees you. But please bring more later?" I asked him looking in his bright green and grey eyes.

"I got you baby." His big soft pink lips kissed mine. Reminded me of Mack's lips, but somewhat bigger. He winked at me and got up to put on his clothes. "I'll text you later?" He asked. I nodded.

"Let me walk you out." I said. I threw on some pajama pants, and headed downstairs with him. Good thing my father wasn't up yet. He kissed me once more and I waved as he left.

I kept scratching my arms. They itch like crazy. I cant wait until he comes back later.

Right now I had to take a shower and wait for daddy to from that woman home. What do they call those woman that birth you? Oh yea! A mother.

I took a long hot shower and the biggest reality hit me. I'm just like my mother in so many ways. I'm following in her footsteps and I'm gonna be just like her. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess.

I got out, put on a black crop, some skin tight jeans that made my booty look right, and my bel air 5's. I washed my hair and wore it curly for today.

I was ready for the disaster to take place. I was ready for a hurricane to form once the actual storm showed up.

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