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Dear Diary,

Guess I should provide a bit of backstory, aye? I'll just do it with a timeline in bullet points, because I really can't be bothered writing paragraph after paragraph of my life story.

~2001, March- I was born at precisely 3:38pm, in the summer-y state of Texas, where it'd get so hot in the summer that if you walked on the pavement in flip-flops (sandals, whatever) that they would start to melt, sticking to the pavement. It's also worth noting that I was my parent's only child, aside from the evil cat they had at the time named Aspen (a type of tree, for a cat's name. How ironic that both of which I am allergic, but more about that later), which we got rid of in 2006 or 2007, much to Sam's dismay.

~2003, May- The sibling was born. Name: Samantha. Our relationship is a 50/50, either besties or mortal enemies. She's legit perfect. She's sweet, she can wrap people around her little finger, and she's TAN. I'm pale as so I'll forever be jealous, but  I have my own plusses (I think?).

~2005, June- I had to be escorted to the hospital because my parents realised that I was ridiculously allergic to literally everything. Ok, slight exaggeration; I'm allergic to almost every type of grass out there, same with trees, cats, dogs, birds, dust, pollen, etc. The problem with dust is that it's 70-80 something percent dead skin, so following that logic, am I allergic to dead people? Sorry, that's not funny.

~2009, June- The entirety of my father's side of my extended family came by plane to Texas from New Zealand, where they stayed at our house and the news was given out that we were to be going to Disneyworld at the end of the month, with everyone there! I had the time of my life, apparently, I can't remember anything. I have seen the cringey photos of my outfits and awful sunglasses and just... ew. I regret a lot of my fashion choices before 2016, to be honest.

~2011, August- 5th grade began, and it was one of the shittiest years of my life; I had 2 friends, tops, and they hated each other, I was bullied (because I was a ('scuse my French) bitch to literally everyone, I was annoying and I had NO manners, but apparently not once did I think, hey, maybe all these people hate me for a reason, maybe it's me that's the problem), and I realised that, hey, I'm hideous, inside and out. Thus, crippling self consciousness comes into play, which later evolves into some good old depression and social anxiety.

~2014, December- We moved! Thank you Lord! We hopped onto a plane and flew for 4 hours to LA (after initially missing the plane because mom mixed up the time of the flight due to her charming bit of dyslexia), then took a 19 hour long flight to Sydney, Australia, then another 3 hours to Auckland, where my cousins, Aunt and Uncle were waiting. We then stayed with them for 6 weeks while we bought a house.

~2015, January- I started my first year of "college," which is basically high school, where I'm a good 6 months younger than everyone else because Mom got me in (just barely) because of my smarts. Apparently I've got a high IQ, of which I was not aware of. I had to completely change my vocabulary in order for people to understand what the heck I was saying. I still slip up sometimes and say y'all or whatever, and my southern twang is still very evident. I don't think I'll ever get rid of it. I get picked on a lot because of it, unfortunately. Other people love it apparently.

~2015, February- Mom and Dad bought the "replacement dogs," two puppies from some closing down pet store, one blonde, one dark brown and black. A mix between two very fluffy, very small dogs, which ended up in 2 female, very small, very fluffy and very floppy-eared pups. We named them Nova and Alexis. Alexis is mainly mine, where Nova is mainly Samantha's 

~2015, April- I switched classes due to the people in the sector of the school I used to be in. They'd pick on me, leave me out, and just be massive assholes to me, when I had tried my hardest to be nice. I was called "fake," "trash" or "bitchy." I promised myself I wouldn't stand for it. So I ran away from my problems, hoping my new sector would be better, and it was, for a while.

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