~Chapter 2: Trapped and Stuck~

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~6 Hours Later~

I yawned and rubbed my eyes with my fists as the rays of the sun shined inside the once dark and sinister building I was still inside of. Now that it was daylight, I was decided I had to leave. I saw the sun slowly starting to rise above the horizon through the trees that surrounded the perimeter. I looked around the location, before dropping off the stage and landing on my feet.

I looked out of the window, and I saw the parking lot of the location, which was now being lit up by the sunlight. I suddenly remembered my encounter with that animatronic bear a few hours ago. I don't why the thought of just an animatronic being allowed to wander around freely at night and do whatever they want when there not entertaining kids scares me so much. What would have happened if he saw m-

My thoughts were cut off as my eyes widened and I gasped when I heard a 'click!' sound. I looked back at the front entrance door, and there was an older man, who was about to open the door to the location. Oh no, I forgot that this place opens early...

"Huh, the lock's screwed up." I heard him say as he fiddled with the picked lock. His voice was blocked since he was outside, but I could here his deep, raspy voice through the glass. I panicked and stood frozen. I can't let him see me! I'll get in SO much trouble!

Without thinking, I darted the other direction before he could look up to open the door. I started running the other direction, quickly slamming open two metal doors, and ran down the long hallway on the right. I ran and ran with my hair flying about as my feet slammed down on the black and white checkered floor as I tried my hardest not to get caught. I took a sharp left to the left, and I kept on sprinting away, until I met a dead end.

I was squatted down a bit, my hands were on my knees as I tried to regain my breath, AGAIN. After a few seconds, I brushed some dampened locks of (H/C) hair out of my face, and looked back up. I got so afraid when that guy came. I thought if he saw me, he would report me or ask about my 'parents'. I coughed quietly a little, and looked at what lied in front of me.

There was a button with a button that had an arrow that was pointing 'up', and two closed intertwined silver and metal doors. It was an elevator. I looked back behind me, and I wanted to get as far away as the entrance as possible. I frantically tapped the button why'll biting my bottom lip, and after a few seconds, both the doors opened. I scrambled inside of it, trying to get it to close as fast as I could. Once I did, I sighed in relief and leaned against the elevator walls as I felt the elevator making its way upwards.

I looked around. This elevator didn't look like a regular one. Most of the time, there very tight-spaced and don't have much appeal to them. This one, however, was very large and wide, and had all kinds of mysterious buttons on the walls. There were two posters of those same two animatronics. The one on the left was the one with the pig-tails, the other was the human-like ballerina. They were both in different poses, with different captions on the colored posters.

I kept staring at the one with the bunny-like one with the red dress. Something about her caught my eye...The same with the purple ballerina. I was still kind of paranoid about being here, but it was better than my old home. I was still kinda afraid, though..Some of the animatronics in this place just seem so eerie to me. What am I saying? There just robots.

I tore my gaze away from the poster when I heard a clanging noise, and the elevator stopped. The lights inside the large room dimmed as one of the bright buttons on the right brightened. It was really red and obvious in the dark. I carefully walked over to the spot where the button was and pressed it. The front doors opened automatically, and there were 'DO NOT CROSS' warning tape all over the entrance.

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