41. Waiting on the World to End...Or Not

Start from the beginning

"And what's that?"

"That a Winchester has no business having a normal life."


"I know, I know, it was bad humor," I groan. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sam going to Chuck, talking with him. "It's crazy. After all this time, we meet God, and now look at him. He's on his way out, too." I chuckle. "It really is the end of all times. But this is it. No more hoaxes like the Mayan calendar crap. This is really it. And few people will know why it really ended." I look into Cas's eyes. "I'm glad we got you back, Cas. Just in time to spend what little time we've got left." I run my other hand through his hair.

"I miss those brown eyes."

"Mm, I do too. The song doesn't apply to me now." I frown slightly.

"It always will to me."

"Thanks, Cassie." I peck his cheek sheepishly. "If this works in our favor, we need to go somewhere. Just you and me."


"I don't know. Someplace quiet. A beach maybe. Find a nice house with the amazing view. Get sunburn, feel the sand between our toes, dip our feet into the water..." The more I think and talk about the beach, the more I can picture it: Cas and I, our newborn baby, in a place where the only beings around are human. No monsters. No hunting.

"Have you not been to one before, Josette?"

"Would it surprise you if I said yes?" Even when I was out on my own, in Rexford, a beach wasn't exactly in my backyard.

"Not as much as it would have before."

"Chuck?" I hear Sam say. I look to my right. Sam has a glass of water in his hand, but there is no God in the booth. "Chuck?!"

"Where'd he go?" I panic, rising out of my chair. I feel cold seep into my veins. "You don't think Amara...?"

"He wouldn't have just disappeared on his own, I don't think he would be that strong enough."

"Great. So, we're most definitely not going to survive this. If Amara has him, we're finished."

"Dean won't let that happen," Cas tells me adamantly as he stands by my side. "Josette, he won't."

"Aw, look, the baby daddy has to assure the baby momma," Crowley simpers. "How sweet. Won't mean much when the world goes dark and our lives go out."

"And you thought I was the grim one?" I say to Cas out of the corner of my mouth.

"Shame. I was looking forward to meeting the little bugger."

I scoff. "As if I'd let you so much as within spitting distance of her. Remember our deal."

"What deal?" asks Sam.

"What Sam said," says Cas.

"You made a deal with Fergus?" Rowena groans. "Lass, I thought you were smarter than that?"

"Hey!" I snap defensively. "It's not what you think."

"Josie's right," Crowley sides with me. "We bargained the non-traditional way. No soul attached. I stay away from her and her little one, and in turn she stays out of the family business for good. Win-win for both sides."

"And you're sure she didn't sell her soul?" Cas asks, glaring at Crowley. "Because if I find out that that's what really happened, so help me, Crowley—"

"Back off, father-to-be." Crowley puts his hands out in surrender. "It's true. Besides, I'll give Josie a pass on taking a...what is it now?...third Hell tour."

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