1. Avery

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1. Avery

The screams are music to my ears. Better than this loud bass shit that's overpowering everyone's ears in this club. On the plus side, it does serve its purpose: like, say, being a noise suppressor as I move in for my next kill.

Between the flashing strobe lights and grinding pits of people, they're too enveloped in the vibe of the place to notice that I've killed four random strangers so far. Their bodies have yet to be stepped on or noticed. When they're noticed, pandemonium will ensue. Then, he'll dive right in.

I'm the fire starter of this.

Seamlessly blending in with the hormone-driven population, I slink my way through sweaty bodies, grabbing the nearest attractive man. We don't exchange words, we talk with our bodies and our eyes. When I get him close to me, I stab him in the heart. He doesn't get out any words, his mouth parts in a big "O", his eyes wide as plates. When I rip the blade out, I splatter blood, and the body falls.

When I hear the collective screams and panic, I smirk. Phase one is done. Onto phase two.

It's our time now. I take a look around. Frightened humans are watching me like I'm an animal let loose from its cage. It's mostly the girls that cower and run away or use their hookup partners as shields. The guys have the audacity to move in and attack me. I laugh manically to myself.

Man after man foolishly try to take me down. At this point, I let my true nature come out. I show them the black demon eyes I've been graced with. This has the men slightly scared, but they've apparently got enough of a brass set of balls to still try and fight me. With my knife at my side, the humans can't possibly stop me. They're easy pickings, too stupid to realize that running for their lives would've been a better bet than trying to take me down.

The music has stopped now. The strobe lights have stopped as well. The main lights flash on, and now more screams erupt. Well, they've found the other bodies. Or he's near. I grab one man by his throat, crushing it with my bare hand. I toss his body away, and his corpse collapses onto frightened onlookers.

"Boo," I croon.

Everyone scrambles. Long gone is the courage from the men, they reek of cowardice. I snort. Why had I ever been okay with being human? Humans are weak, stupid. No wonder the supernatural world has hidden from them so well, humans are too dull to notice the obvious signs in front of their faces.

I go on my massacre mission, striking down body after body. Each one that drops only heightens my adrenaline more. I want to kill more. I want this place to be a cemetery when I'm done.

The herd of frightened humans are crowding the exits, which makes my targets easier to choose. The back of the pack bites the dust.

Seven. Ten. Thirteen. The bodies fall like flies.

When I feel a hand grab my shoulder, I spin around and go to slice the throat. But my arm is stopped, and Alex looks at me in amusement. I snarl, ripping my arm out of his grip.

"You were gonna be number fourteen," I snap.

"Not with that kind of knife I wasn't." Right. Demons are only killable with a certain type of blade. Not the blade that I've got right now, one that's tasted so many different blood types tonight. "You're keeping track?"

"Why not make it interesting?" I smirk.

"Look, we did our fill. We need to scram."

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