17. Pop-In

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17. Pop-In

I don't sleep well in the days following our visit to Hell.

I don't sleep well now, a noise makes me alert. I'm already exhausted just lying in bed. I can feel the bags under my eyes, pulling down on my face. Grunting, I rub my eyes and shuffle out of bed. Yawning, I rub the back of my head, the long sleeves of the flannel brushing against my hair. I know I should be walking towards the noise, armed. My brothers are on a case, so I should be the sole occupant of this bunker. Unless they've come back early.

But I know they haven't, I don't smell fresh, greasy food. That had been our agreement before they left: on their way back, they had to bring back something good and greasy.

Sighing, I go back into my bedroom, removing the angel blade out from under my mattress. I keep it at my side as I pad through the halls. I hear the noise again. If it's Amara, I don't know if this can stop her. For my sake, I hope it's not her. I already encountered the Devil, I don't want to meet the Darkness right now.

I nearly walk past the door, where I hear a clatter. I freeze, taking a few careful steps back. I see it open just a crack. Licking my lips, I put my hand against the door, closing my eyes, bracing myself.

On reflex, I swing the door open, hearing it knock against the wall. I almost go in charging, but once the figure turns, I stop and sigh.

"Damn it, Cas," I groan, swinging my angel blade irritably at my side. He doesn't have the trench coat on, so I hadn't recognized him right away. "The hell are you doing in here? Last you talked to me, you said you had some things to do."

"Still working on them," he tells me neutrally. "I figured I could find some answers in here."

"Answers, huh?" I feel awkward, with the blade still in my hand. I walk deeper into the room, setting it down on a nearby table. "Couldn't just let a girl know you were stopping by?"

"You were asleep, I didn't want to wake you."

"You woke me regardless."

"I should've let you know I was here, I'm sorry." He looks abashed.

I look at him suspiciously. "What are you snooping in here for?"

"Something to draw Amara out."

I swallow. Right. The Darkness who I have yet to meet. "Any luck?"

Cas rubs his eyes. "So far, no."

"You weren't gone very long."

He shrugs. "Figured I'd pop by." He smiles. "I thought you were out with Sam and Dean."

"I just...I haven't felt up to hunting for a few days." I rub my arms.

"I see. So, you're not okay."

My eyes widen a bit. "No...I am...I don't know." I rub my face tiredly. "Physically, I'm in top shape. But mentally, I don't know."

Cas abandons his research, taking me in his arms. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, you've done more than enough for me, Cas." I look down. "I can't ask you to try and help more."

"I want to, though." He tilts my face up. "We're together, Josette. Connected. Bound. However you want to put it. If you're hurting, I want to help you." His eyes search mine. "What's on your mind?"

Legacy (Supernatural) [Rogue Trilogy] {3}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat