31. Chuck Equals...God?

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31. Chuck Equals...God?

I really don't know what to believe at this point.

Do I believe that God exists? Hard to say.

Do I believe that Chuck is God? Hell to the freaking no. If he is, I can't comprehend it right now.

I look at the mousey guy before me. I have to almost laugh. This guy is God, as in the person who could have prevented so much shit from happening? God, who seemed to abandon the world and left people to die?

"I'm sorry, but if God didn't show up all those years ago in all those times when some people could have really used his help, what makes you think this is him now?" I ask my brothers.

"Jo, the amulet," Sam says. "It's not because of us, it's glowing because of him."

"He's not wrong," says Chuck.

I tilt my head. "Still not convinced."

"Then let me show you. Do you mind if I borrow that?" He gestures to the amulet. Sam shrugs, handing it over. "Watch."

I blink, startled, as the light suddenly vanishes. I look at Chuck questioningly. "So what? I'm sure angels can make that happen."

He sighs. "Still not a believer, are you? All right, well, here's something that might make you see reason. That thing you were most worried about, the thing you wrote off as nothing but words, it's true."

"Gee, I didn't realize I was in the presence of the Riddler." I scoff. "You don't know anything about me."

"Oh, really? So I wouldn't know that you're in love with Castiel? I wouldn't know that that baby you're carrying in you is his?"

Dude, what in the actual hell? I just met him today! I'm taking all my restraint to not look like I'm freaked out by Chuck right now. "I heard this record before. L-Lucifer tried to pull that one over on me, and it didn't work. It's just words that he used to get under my skin, or try to anyway." I swallow. Mentioning Lucifer makes me think of Cas, and those two are with Amara right now.

"Did you ever think that maybe he was dropping hints?"

"You're implying he was telling the truth," I state coldly. "Why would the Devil be the one to tell anyone the truth?"

"Because he can sense that you're living for two lives instead of one."

Great, now he's in on the gig too. I wonder if he's secretly a demon. I shake my head. "I still don't believe you."

"The non-believers are the hardest to convince, but I wouldn't expect anything different." He smiles softly. "This will definitely prove it."

"Hey now." I back up as he reaches for me. "Just what the hell do you think you're gonna do?"

"You need to trust me on this."

"I just met you today. Sorry if I'm not the easy-trusting kind."

"Uh, Jo," Sam cuts in awkwardly. "Maybe you might wanna...you know...go with it?"

I look over my shoulder at Sam with wide eyes. "Is some of that fog still screwing with your head?"

"You've seen what's happened. The proof is there. If this is what you need in order to understand...I mean..."

I purse my lips, looking back at Chuck. He doesn't look as though he's gonna do anything sketchy to me. Still, my hunting instincts are well on high alert. I sigh loudly. "Okay. But if you do anything shady, I have the right to punch you."

Legacy (Supernatural) [Rogue Trilogy] {3}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat