39. The Soul Bomb

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39. The Soul Bomb

I've accepted this new routine. I've accepted the lack of sleep that comes with it. I'm used to getting few hours anyway, that's what happens when you were hunting monsters almost every day of your life.

This, however, isn't hunting anything; it's taking care of someone who can't take care of themselves just yet. Taking care of someone who has to grow into their own person and learn things in order to live.

Groggily, I pull myself out of bed, tugging the sheets around me. It's rather cold in the house, even colder in the hall. She isn't fretting much, but I've become so attuned to her that any faint noise I hear, I'm awake for. It's a curse sometimes, but a blessing in others.

Even though the lights are off, I can see everything in her room. From the stars on the ceiling to the stuffed animals in the room. I don't let any in the crib with her, I don't want her to accidentally suffocate herself.

Rubbing my eyes, I peek into the crib. She twitches in her sleep, like she's suffering from a bad dream. Smiling sadly, I dip down, rubbing her stomach softly. I didn't think I was going to transition so easily into motherhood. I thought I was going to go through Hell, even consider giving her up because of my lack of confidence.

My eyes snap up at light disappearing from the room. Almost smoke-like, darkness has covered the window. It's not clouds covering the moon, it is legitimate darkness blanketing the window. I step away, see it sneak around near my feet.

I want to take my baby and run, but I don't think I'll get very far.

I look around. Anything I can use? Anything at all? Not unless they want to be smothered to death with stuffed animals.

I know who this is. I don't like where this is going. Looks like this is going to end very badly.

"I thought you were done?" I ask through gritted teeth, keeping my eyes on my little girl.

"My work is never done," she says softly. I try and resist the pull she has over my body, a pull so strong it actually forces my body to turn away from the crib and face her. I feel a sickening feeling in my gut just by looking at her. What she could possibly be here for, there are so many guesses. She looks around. "What, no protection?"

"I gave it up once I gave birth," I say coldly.

She chuckles. "So this will be much easier, then. Good. I didn't want to waste a lot of effort in this, anyway." Black smoke encircles her hand, and I see the gleam of the knife.

"You don't need to do this."

"I do."

I don't make much noise when the knife sinks into my stomach. The most she gets out of me is a shocked squeak. The baby doesn't cry. I hope for her sake she stays asleep. Cas...

"You can't get yourself out of this one, Josette," she says, twisting the knife inside of me. My hands encircle her wrist, trying to get her grip off the knife hilt. "You were always destined to go out with a bang."

She rips the knife out, the blood dripping onto the floor. My hands go there long enough to come back painted in red. A force shoves me off my feet, attaching me to the ceiling. Now, the tears come. The baby is still asleep, completely unaware.

"Get away from her," I hiss as Amara goes to the crib. "Don't you dare touch her!"

"What will it matter?" Amara looks up at me. "You'll be dead soon. Besides...I've always wanted to take care of a baby."

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