16.5 - "Get the Hell Out of Hell."

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16.5 – "Get the Hell Out of Hell."

I'm more than happy to be out of the cage with Lucifer. I'm still a bit beat up, but I'll manage. All of us are a bit battered from our wrestle with the Devil.

We're out of the cage, but still in Hell. We walk through one room, and I'm greeted with the sight of Rowena and Crowley. She's got some weird-ass collar around her neck. I'm not sure I even want to ask at this point.

"You're welcome...anyone?" Rowena says.

"Bite me!" Dean says.

"I can make her do that," Crowley notes.

"Is that what that collar is for? Obedience school?" I ask snidely. Rowena glares at me with pointed eyes. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here."

"I saved your arse," the witch comments proudly. "I think that's a good enough reason."

I snort. "So what now?" I ask, leaning on Cas for support.

"About the Darkness? No clue," says Crowley.

"We'll figure it out," Dean assures me.

"Or die screaming," Rowena quips.

"This has been a horrible train wreck, so we're done," Crowley says. "Team up over."

"What about her?" asks Sam, gesturing to Rowena.

"She stays. The rest of you lot...get the hell out of Hell."

"Gladly, Your Majesty," I say.

"Good to know you've still got that attitude, Josie."

I almost drop to the ground and kiss it once the four of us are outside breathing fresh air. No darkness to be found. Just the sun, the wind, the blue skies, the clouds. I hope I never have to step foot in Hell again.

"You all right?" Dean asks Cas.

"I think so. I will be."

"You want me to give you a lift?"

"No, you three go on ahead, I'll catch up."

"Don't leave without me," I tell my brother. "Give me a few minutes." Once my brother leaves, I side turn to Cas. "What's up with you?"

"I've got things I need to do." He shrugs. "You're all right, right?"

I nod. "I-I think so." I pinch my eyes shut briefly. "If you and Dean hadn't come when you had..."

"You're welcome. I know there's a 'thank you' in there somewhere."

I snort a laugh. "You sure you don't want a ride back? We can settle down for a bit."

Cas looks down. "As much as I'd like to, we've got Amara to deal with. That's top priority right now."

I pout. "Okay. Just...don't stay away too long, all right?" I look at him hopefully.

"I won't." Using two fingers, he tilts my chin up to kiss me tenderly. "Take care of yourself, Josette."

"You too, Cassie." I smile.

Sighing loudly, feeling slightly weary, I climb into the backseat of the Impala. Dean looks at me through the mirror.

"You two good?" he asks.

I nod, looking out the window at Cas. "We're good. Let's go home and sleep this off."

**Well, if y'all watched Season 11, you know what's really going on here.**

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