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Snotlout, Astrid, Ruff, Tuff and Fishlegs met at the armory in the middle of the afternoon. Snot was the first to arrive, rolling himself through the door.

"Hello?" He called. "Hiccup?"

"over here Snotlout!." A voice replied. He wheeled behind the wall to see him putting the finishing touches on a new wing for Toothless. He stretched it out. The color was striking blue and the insignia was the figure of a dragon curling around itself. When he turned around he saw Snot and frowned.

"Oh for Thors sake." He crossed his arms. "I wish everyone would stop looking at me like that. I'm going to be fine." He threw his arms up. "I'll be riding Hookfang in no time."

"Of course snotlout. I just- feel like this is my fault." He opened his arms, before letting them go slack.

"Don't be stupid. You didn't do this to me." He rolled his eyes. "So why did you ask us to meet here."

He could hear the twins wandering in, knocking over a barrel of scrap metal; clashing to the floor. Behind them he could hear Astrid groan.

"You two are so clumsy."

"I prefer the term Awkwardly skilled." Tuff argued.

"Would you three please move, I cant get through the door." Fishlegs whined.

"Over here guys." Hiccup called. They all gathered behind Snotlout curiously facing him.

"Hiccup, what's all this about?" Astrid asked.

"First I want to apologize to all of you. If I hadn't left, chances are we wouldn't be in this mess." He made a sharp nod. "But now I need your help to fix this. I can't do it alone."

"Uh how?" Ruff growled. "We don't even know where the others riders are."

"Trader Yohan sent a message . In three days they will be paralyzed on Blank island." He sharply sliced his hand through the air. "We cant let that happen."

" I smell a plan coming on." Fishlegs squealed.

"It will be dangerous." He replied.

"I'm in." Astrid stepped forward.

"Me too." Fishlegs raised his hand.

"Us too." The twins cried.

"No one's kicking anyone's butt's without me." Snotlout pounded his chest.

"I thought you guys might say that."

. . .

Hiccup tailed his hand down Toothless tail inspecting the new wing. This one was blue and particularly built for sharp dives and evasive maneuvering.

"Looks good bud." Toothless replied by flicking his tail testing it. Apparently he deemed it worthy. Hiccup smiled big at him and the dragon did the same. He couldn't help but chuckle.

The rest of the riders were busy saddling their dragons. 11 others had decided to join them in the rescue mission. Although not official part of the Rider Armada, they rode dragons and were going to be needed for what was planned.

He laid out the map on the ground as everyone gathered around. He traced his finger to the upper west side and tapped.

"Here is our target." He tapped again to another place a little ways from it. "When the moon is at our Zenith we stop here and rest. After that we go the rest of the way." Everyone leaned a little closer to get a better look. "With some luck we will get there a little earlier than I thought. We'll then have time to figure out when and where this will all take place. Any questions?" He looked around. Everyone shook their heads. "Good. I want us up in the air in ten minutes."

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