He felt Harry's surprise at a new presence in his mind, but he relaxed almost immediately and then Draco felt Hermione pull out. He quickly followed her and, on the way back to his own mind, he heard her whisper, Thank you, but please stay out of Harry's mind unless invited. Especially if I'm there.

A minor wave of shame and hurt swept over Draco, along with a touch of anger, but he pushed it down. She was right, though he hated to admit it. He shouldn't go poking his nose in private places unless invited.

When his eyes opened again he saw that Hermione was no longer hugging Harry, rather, the Weaselette was there, her arms wrapped around his waist, her head tucked under his chin. Hermione was, instead, standing over near him, if he reached out he could touch her shoulder. He had the sudden urge to do so, and his arm was raised halfway before he realized what he was doing. He quickly lowered his arm, hoping no one had noticed.

"No, Harry, I don't think you're a horcrux anymore," Hermione said firmly. "I think, from what you told me and the sudden change in dreams, that for that single instant you were merged so tightly with Voldemort and the snake that you were practically one being. The deliberate death of Dumbledore, which the snake and three Voldemort soul pieces fully supported, acted as the chance for a soul to split. But, this time, with the help of the blood wards connecting us, you managed to detach your soul from the horcrux. You sent it towards the snake instead. Or so I'm assuming from your description, though you could have sent it back to Voldemort himself."

Everyone stared at her, the room was entirely silent except for the sound of the fire crackling in the grate. Draco was trying to wrap his mind around all of the information that had just come his way.

"So, we kill the snake and Voldemort can die?" Ginny asked.

"Unless he's made another horcrux," George answered.

Harry shook his head, "I-I don't think he made another horcrux. Before, when I had part of him inside of me, I kept having dreams of a long corridor and a room of glass orbs. It felt more like he wanted information, rather than immortality."

"You were dreaming of the Hall of Prophecy," George said. "The Order has been guarding it for months now. Apparently there's a prophecy about you and old no-nose. He's only heard part of it and wants the rest. Problem is, only two people can retrieve it, and one of them is in this room."

Hermione's eyes lit up, "Who wants to sneak into the Ministry?"

Ron groaned, "Can't I heal from our last adventure before we start a new one?"

"Indeed," Draco found himself saying. Not that he would classify what happened five days ago as an 'adventure'.

Hermione frowned, "No, we need that prophecy and we need to get it before we get sent back to Hogwarts. I suggest tonight. Very few will be working today and most of them will be off at Hogwarts leaving no stone unturned," she rolled her eyes at the last bit, and Draco couldn't blame her. Honestly, the Ministry was proving to be even more stupid than he thought possible.

"Well, if we do that I have to go, obviously," Harry said.

Ron frowned, "You shouldn't bring more than two or three others in with you I think. Everyone else can be standing by with their coins, ready to rush in as backup. I'll run interference with the older generation. Think I'll need support though."

"I'll stay with you. I'm not much use till I learn to use this properly." Theo held up his right hand, the black leather gleaming in the firelight.

"Neville is out," said Luna. "He doesn't think he can concentrate properly until Pansy wakes up."

"Harry isn't leaving my sight," the Weaselette said firmly."

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